Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving Traditions

                                                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                           everyday is a journey.

They do not toil:
  Content with their allotted task
  They do but grow; they do not ask
  A richer lot, a higher sphere,
  But in their loveliness appear,
  And grow, and smile, and do their best,
  And unto God they leave the rest.

So today is Thanksgiving and like many of our Holidays, the true traditions are once again lost. As I age, I see the valuable traditions disappear. That saddens me and I often wonder what has happened to them. When did they begin disappearing? Was it during my generational Youth or the next one? Did I have a part in it? 

Society plays a huge part in it. Thanksgiving gets lost somewhere between Halloween and Christmas. The Christmas items are brought out in the stores well ahead of Thanksgiving promoting one over another. Even the workplace doesn't provide amble time off for us cooks to prepare these huge meals for our families. How many of us are working until the very last day before getting up at crack of dawn on Thanksgiving to quickly make the meal? 

Is it no wonder that many people opt to forego Thanksgiving this year? Too much trouble, not enough time and way too much work! Well, that's the material world for you. Who says we need to make elaborate meals with turkey, ham and ribs? People spend way too much money on the materialism rather than on the quality time spent with family. 

How about a simple meal with family and friends. Maybe each one can bring something to add to the table? Afterwards, play a game or two as a whole. You will be pleasantly surprised how much fun you can actually have with the people you claim are irksome, thanking God that holidays are so far apart. This way you don't have to spend too much time with them. How awful to have to be feeling this way about people one has invited to break bread with. 

Let's bring back Thanksgiving the way it should be. Make the time to spend with deepening relationships with the people we claim mean so much to us. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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