Friday, November 30, 2018

Here Comes A New Beginning

Well, here we are off from work as we anxiously await the sign in front of our building to be changed from Avon to Fareva. Will the closing go through this time? We can only hope. Last time, we apparently weren't ready.

During this past week, we worked ten hour days to finish off all of our work before this closing and transition. We also did our open enrollment for our health insurance. Let me tell you that I must be getting old, because I truly had a difficult time understanding the new website and enrollment. So many things that have to be considered when it comes to health insurance. Why has it gotten so hard and difficult to follow. In the past, all we had to do is choose the medical, dental, vision and then we were done. Now, there are so many options and they are all in medical jargon. Ugh. I visited HR a few times this week with loads of questions.

When I came back from Arizona, I told myself that I would embrace the new Company wholeheartedly and no longer spend any time wallowing in how much I detested my workplace or the people in it. I would make an effort to change my attitude in regards to my job. I still mean all of that. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

First Tracking Snow!

                                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

He who plants a tree
Plants a hope.
Rootlets up through fibers blindly grope,
Leaves unfold unto horizons free.
So man's life must climb
From the clods of time
Unto heavens sublime.
Canst thou prophesy, 
thou little tree,
What the glory of the boughs shall be?

I've always loved a good Winter scene. In fact, that's exactly how I envisioned my retirement to be. Or at least, the first Winter.

Yesterday, we had our very first tracking snow. Emily and I have been waiting for one, because of an old wive's tale. For the last two years we have been following this tale to see how much snow we would have during Winter. So how do you tell? What date did the first tracking snow fall on? Since it fell on the 25th that means 25 snow falls this Winter. Sounds like a lot, right? Well, we will see what happens.

When we got up that morning, I really had no idea of just how bad it was. Emily had to work and I simply went out to warm up the car. I couldn't even get inside my car, because the keyhole froze and so did the entire door. My scraper, de-icer and other things needed were all inside the car as well. 

Back in the house to get the handy broom and dustpin. Laid the dustpin on top of the car and a huge gust of wind blew it away. I searched for that darn dustpin everywhere. I mean, we all need a dustpin! Went back inside the house for a butter knife and proceeded to chip away at the ice around my door. It worked. It also helped that I unlocked the door!

Finally, the car was defrosted and somewhat de-iced. Started out to work. I don't know how many traffic signals weren't working and still aren't working to this day. Apparently, many people lost power, but we were the lucky ones. Cable still hasn't been restored. It wasn't even a humongous storm, but it was the freezing rain that done us in. In the end, God is God and nothing gets done unless He says so.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Six Year Plan: No Tiny House

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                        everyday is a journey.

So frail is the youth and beauty of men,
Though they bloom and look gay like the rose;
But all our fond cares to preserve them is vain,
Time kills them as fast as he goes.
Then I'll not be proud of my youth nor my beauty,
Since both of them wither and fade;
But gain a good name by well doing my duty;
For this will scent like the rose when I'm dead.
--Isaac Watts.

If you have been following my blog, you know how much I love Tiny Houses. It is from that love that living simply has erupted into a lifestyle for me, even though I am not yet living it completely the way I may want to. When this plan came into being, my first thought happened to a THOW, but I also researched other types of homes like an Rv or a cabin. 

After much consideration, I have decided to eliminate the Tiny House from my list of possible homes for me. This has not been easy, because of my love of them. I still would love to tour one or at least stay in one for a weekend or an overnight stay.

So what made me decide? Well, it's just impossible for me to do everything I want to carry on doing into my retirement living in a Tiny House. I may retire from the workforce, but I am not retiring from my activities. I still plan on writing/blogging, probably even on a bigger scale. The same thing with my group. Although, I would like to visit some of these ladies in person and spend time with them. I even thought of leading a women's bible study. 

I know I can still do all of that in a Tiny House. The bible study can take place elsewhere or during the Summer where we can sit outside. It's the Ministry work that has caused this hiccup in the plans. In the five years that the Ministry has been operating, it really has expanded. Even though, I had way many more ladies back in the beginning than what I do now, the amount of goods that are being donated is actually more. 

That may sound crazy, but it's true. The other ladies back then were really training or learning the trade. Once they were taught, majority of them left or it was just a Season in their lives. Between Bridgette, Mary and myself, we are die hard crocheters and spend majority of our time with a hook in our hand. Therefore, we produce a lot more than in the beginning. 

Another thing that has changed is the amount of donations that come into the Ministry. It is no longer just the yarn, but material and other crafting supplies. The average yarn contributor would donate a couple of skeins of yarn, but this year alone, that has changed to several bins or boxes. There is just no way that I can find a place for all the supplies that I use for the Crocheting Ministry. In my room, a whole wall is dedicated to just the Ministry. There are boxes filled with yarn, material and all sorts of supplies. There is also a stack of broken down boxes that I need to ship out the donations in. Plus, another stack of finished items ready for donations to charities. 

It's just not possible. I can do without many things, but I need these things to run my Ministry. As much as I hate to face this reality, it cannot work for me. Have to find something else.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Five Year Plan: The Beginning and The End

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Be useful where thou livest, that they may
Both want and wish thy pleasing presence still;
Kindness, good parts, great places are the way
To compass this. Find out men's wants and will,
And meet them there. All worldly joys go less
To the one joy of doing kindnesses.
--George Herbert.

Five years! That was originally the time chosen for my retirement plans. A lot can happen in that span of time. A relationship can be formed, perhaps even a marriage. A child can be born or even two. Even a dream can be shattered.

                                        My board is ready! Time to display anything and everything I need to achieve in these five years. 

                                  The five year calendar. Everyday I will place an X representing I am one day closer to achieving my dream. These five years are my pre-retiring years.

Well, that was the beginning and then something horrible happened. The Company was sold and the pension plan we had will not be continued after December 31, 2018. For me, to get my full retirement with my milestone points, I'd have to achieved that by January 1, 2019. That will not happen until 4 years from now. Since the Company has been sold, the retirement plan died along with it. It is no longer viable, only the pension money that I have now in the account. 

Since that has changed, I basically have taken down my chart off the wall and purchased a notebook instead. I have no idea what my retirement plan will look like at this point. I do know that the next possible date could take place at the age of 59 and a half. That is about 6 years from now. I've changed the plan to a six year, started writing in my notebook all sorts of things in relation to it. 

For instance, where do I want to live? What do I want to live in? How will I live? What will my finances look like? What do I want my life to resemble? Things like that. This way I can do research along the way and maybe decide on all these questions. Right now, no clarity in sight. A new set of plans are in motion. I just have no idea what they are to be.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Monday, November 26, 2018

The YouTube Channel

                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                   everyday is a journey.

Believ'st thou in eternal things?
    Thou knowest, in thy inmost heart,
  Thou art not clay; thy soul hath wings,
    And what thou seest is but part.
  Make this thy med'cine for the smart
    Of every day's distress; be dumb,
  In each new loss thou truly art
    Tasting the power of things that come.
T. W. Parsons

As all of you know, I have started a YouTube Channel. Now, I have a lot to learn. In order to do just that, I have begun researching other cancer channels on YouTube. Well, I have to admit that I am deeply disappointed.

First of all, there really aren't that many. The majority of them are breast cancers and I've only found one ovarian, but she hasn't posted in over a year so I am not sure what is happening there. The others are advertising cures for cancer. I've watched one vlog after another of people trying alternative medicines like raw eating, dieting, herbal teas etc. Why are people still believing that these are cures for cancer? Over surgery? Over chemotherapy? Over radiation?

Disappointing! Misinformed! Misguided! These people are out there having other people die by sharing these silly notions of cures for cancer. One woman drank lemon juice every day, because she has read somewhere it cures cancer. I am so devastated by these vlogs. True information just isn't out there. 

I keep thinking of this one person who opted for alternative treatment and refused chemotherapy/radiation. Well, she lived four years, all in treatment and then she died. When she realized that she needed chemo and radiation, it was too late. A young woman of 36 was dead by the age of 40, because she believed that garbage out there. 

How do we get women out there to understand the importance of real medical care? Cancer is so powerful that it needs something else that is even more powerful and damaging as chemo to kill it. Not drinking twig tea! It frustrates me beyond reason, because not too long ago I was asked by a woman if chemo is really the answer. please, please do not play with your life. Get medical treatment! Period. That's all I have to say.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Project 2019

                                                        Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                         everyday is a journey.

His was the heart that overmuch
In human goodness puts its trust,
And his the keen, satiric touch
That shrivels falsehood into dust.
Fierce for the right, he bore his part
In strife with many a valiant foe;
But laughter winged his polished dart,
And kindness tempered every blow.

Every year, I try to have a set of goals that I need to work on. I haven't done resolutions for decades, because we set such unrealistic plans for ourselves that we are doomed to fail. Goals are a bit different. Goals aren't made flippantly, goals are really our dreams. 

My first project for 2019 includes my workplace. A new company needs a new attitude employee. This will be my new beginning and I will embrace it wholeheartedly. I also plan on working all the necessary overtime for one simple reason. I have realized that my old retirement plans weren't very realistic. Basically, I will need money. I have no idea where or when that retirement will take place, but in the meantime, I need to save up as much as I can.

My second project for 2019 involves de-cluttering our apartment. Just as I've said in my previous post, there is too much stuff here and it's time to go through it. I fear it will take a year to go through. Now, I know you probably think that's crazy. I mean, it's an apartment, but life intervenes. We work, we live our life, we have obligations. It will take time. That's why we have problems with completion. We never set aside the right amount of time to get things done. We just want to rush through the unpleasant stuff as fast as we can and that usually means we don't do a good job. 

As to my extracurricular activities like the Ministry, the group, blog and YouTube channel. I just want to progress it as far as I can. We always want to move forward and never backwards. The only thing I would like to add is that we meet occasionally for the Ministry. Maybe not every month, but once in a while go to the movies together or go on a picnic. Something like that would be nice, because I think the ladies would like to meet up just not every month. 

I would love to hear what types of goals or resolutions all of you are making for the coming year.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Friday, November 23, 2018

Prepping For The Winter

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                        everyday is a journey.

Thy home is with the humble, Lord!
    The simple are Thy rest;
  Thy lodging is in childlike hearts;
    Thou makest there Thy nest.

Every Fall, we sit down and make a list for what we need for the upcoming Winter. We prep in every way possible. This year it seems that the cold has come pretty early. I am not really ready to prep. I'm even wondering if I should. 

There has been so much going on that time is very precious and in short supply. Plus, I feel we are already busting at the seams with stuff. There's stuff everywhere, I walk into the pantry and things keep falling down on top of me from every direction. The shelves in the living room are busting out from books and knickknacks laying around on top of each other. Everywhere one looks, there just too much stuff. The closets, the shelves, the cabinets, everything! 

I cannot breathe or rest easy when there is clutter. I feel like my life is a mess just like these corners of our apartment. Where did this stuff come from? Lord, I feel we acquired even more stuff since moving here two years ago. It's true what they say, the more room you have, the more you fill it with stuff. 

So we will not be prepping for Winter this year. Instead, the goal is to de-clutter in every way possible.It's not something that can be done in a weekend. It will take time and I have made it a 2019 goal. That's the only prepping I have done is make a list of goals for 2019. More on that later. For now, I have to figure out where to start. Sometimes, the best thing to do is start from the beginning so into the living room we go. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving Traditions

                                                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                           everyday is a journey.

They do not toil:
  Content with their allotted task
  They do but grow; they do not ask
  A richer lot, a higher sphere,
  But in their loveliness appear,
  And grow, and smile, and do their best,
  And unto God they leave the rest.

So today is Thanksgiving and like many of our Holidays, the true traditions are once again lost. As I age, I see the valuable traditions disappear. That saddens me and I often wonder what has happened to them. When did they begin disappearing? Was it during my generational Youth or the next one? Did I have a part in it? 

Society plays a huge part in it. Thanksgiving gets lost somewhere between Halloween and Christmas. The Christmas items are brought out in the stores well ahead of Thanksgiving promoting one over another. Even the workplace doesn't provide amble time off for us cooks to prepare these huge meals for our families. How many of us are working until the very last day before getting up at crack of dawn on Thanksgiving to quickly make the meal? 

Is it no wonder that many people opt to forego Thanksgiving this year? Too much trouble, not enough time and way too much work! Well, that's the material world for you. Who says we need to make elaborate meals with turkey, ham and ribs? People spend way too much money on the materialism rather than on the quality time spent with family. 

How about a simple meal with family and friends. Maybe each one can bring something to add to the table? Afterwards, play a game or two as a whole. You will be pleasantly surprised how much fun you can actually have with the people you claim are irksome, thanking God that holidays are so far apart. This way you don't have to spend too much time with them. How awful to have to be feeling this way about people one has invited to break bread with. 

Let's bring back Thanksgiving the way it should be. Make the time to spend with deepening relationships with the people we claim mean so much to us. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Where Is This Coming From?

                                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Who cares for the burden,
 the night,
ess a light shines plain,
When a voice calls "Hail," 
and a friend draws rein,
With an arm for the stubborn load?

I've never really had a midlife crisis that many people experience. I'm not even sure if I believe in one. I can say that I have been lately feeling very defeated and quite angry. Now, that truly scares me a bit. The last time I have ever been angry like this was many, many years ago when my youngest son died. It was the second time in about 3 or 4 years that I buried another child. Another son. 

That period in my life was the darkest where I was so full of anger towards God. I was brought up in the Catholic faith where we all had a cross to bear in life. The death of my first son was that cross for me. I lost one already and I just didn't understand why God would take from me again. That experience made me evaluate my life up to then and has changed me forever, for the better. 

Lately, I have found myself feeling that anger. At first, that anger would show up toward others or situations. I didn't recognize it for what it was, but thought to myself, I'm just stressed. Or that I don't like this person or the position I am in at work. I don't believe that to be true any longer. 

There seems to be something going on inside of me, something that obviously needs to come out. Something I need to address. I honestly feel that I have been a very dutiful person. No matter if I wanted to do something or not, I was always encouraged to put aside my own feelings or responsibilities to help my family. 

I wanted to lay aside all of that dutiful responsibility and do something just for myself. This trip with my brother ended up being a pilgrimage for me, just for me and no one else. I'm sure this journey has come to mean something different for Ted and me separately. Which is only to be expected, because we are two people with two completely different issues. I can only speak for myself now and if you are curious about his take on it, you should inquire of him yourself.

In conclusion of these past eight days away from home, I have learned so much about myself. One, even after all these years of not having a relationship with my father, I have no issues with him. I think that I have resolved whatever anger or resentment years ago. Deep down inside, whatever happened is over and it's time to move along. 

All the way home, I felt such freedom like never before. Somehow, my mind seemed clearer even though I don't know where the future will take me or my children. Yet, that is okay with me. The second thing I've learned is about my work and my take on it. It is time, my friends, to drop this constant nagging and complaining about how awful my work life has become these past few years. A new company on December 1 will take over and that means a new beginning for me.

Another thing, I can rest easy about Emily. No matter whatever the future will bring, whether I'm in it or not, she'll be fine, because she is a child of God. God takes care of His children, especially the ones that are obedient. Eight days away and she was fine. Just fine without me.

Sometimes, we need to get away from everything and everyone to focus on ourselves. One never knows what will come out of an experience. It could be vital. It could be cleansing. One just has to do it.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Fall Is Quickly Leaving

                                                             Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

God doth not need
  Either man's works or His own gifts;
 who best Bear His mild yoke,
 they serve Him best; 
His state Is kingly; 
thousands at His bidding speed,
  And post o'er land and ocean without rest;
  They also serve who only stand and wait.

The Fall colors are absolutely my favorite of all. I love to see the different shades of yellows, reds and browns that emerge surrounding the landscape in it's true beauty. I feel like this year, I wasn't able to enjoy Fall at all. It certainly seems to have been a short Season, since the majority of us have already experienced snow. 

Winter is fast creeping up kicking Fall out. Bullying his way in whether we like it or not. Are you ready? I know I certainly am not. I wanted to enjoy the Fall colors for a bit longer. I think my trip to Arizona kind of shortened my Season here. Their Fall is nothing like ours. The whole time we were there it was in the 80's all day. The temperatures did drop at night, but as soon as the Sun rose, so did the temps.

Usually, I have more time to get ready, but this time, everything seems to be flying past. No time to dwell in the falling leaves or search the sky for the geese flying overhead. The cold has set in and the soup is on the stove. Settle in snugly, because Fall is leaving. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

The Vegetation

                                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                           everyday is a journey.

 Fling wide the portals of your heart,
  Make it a temple set apart
  From earthly use for Heaven's employ,
  Adorned with prayer, and love, and joy.
  So shall your Sovereign enter in,
  And new and nobler life begin.

One thing that truly surprised me about Arizona are all the different bushes and flowers that can grow there, especially the rose bushes. We kept driving past this rose bush farm of every color. Talk about beauty! A huge array of color splashed across the landscape. Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous.

The grass itself happens to be very soft unlike the kind we have here in Illinois. It's more delicate, because of the temperatures. Not everyone has grass here. There are many homes that have gravel rocks and that looks pretty good,too. I think that's what I would do if I lived there, but in the backyard, I would make it look like a paradise with all sorts of color.

Besides palm trees, there were many others and if one went to the mountains, one would find trees that are very familiar to us and can be found at home. We went to the nursery, because Ted was searching for a particular cactus to bring home to Wisconsin for his green house. He already has numerous palm trees and wanted to add to his tropical collection amidst the Winter Wonderland of Wisconsin!

of course, we were unable to pick one up due to the fact that we were traveling on the train. How does one bring a cactus home? It's not like we can carry it in a shopping bag. Still, we had so much fun checking out all the different species of cacti and flowers. Maybe, on another trip via driving? Who knows.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Mexican Border

--Theodosia P. Garrison.

The Mexican Border. So much controversy. So much conversation. So much anguish. There was a point in our train journey where we actually came close to the Mexican Border. I was excited and I wasn't the only one. Almost everyone on the train leaned in closer to the windows, cameras in hand. 

You know, Ted mentioned something the other day while we were sightseeing. We saw so many fences in people's yards that were made from stone blocks hiding everything in the yard. He said that every time he sees a fence, he thinks what are the people trying to keep others from taking. A fence is to keep others out. It's a source of protection. 

I thought of what he said when I viewed these pictures of the Mexican Border. He is right, that's what a fence does, it keeps others out and protects what you own. No matter what your view is on this controversial topic, but almost all of us have a fenced in yard for that very purpose. Yet, we are offended that our Country would have a fence around it's border to keep us Americans safe. 

Is it really the Wall that we are objecting to or is it the person in the Oval Office? There's a huge difference here. Really think about it. If it's the Wall, let's remove the fence around your yard. How vulnerable would you feel then? Just something to chew on.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Mountains

                                                                    Everyday is a brand new day, 
                                                                     everyday is a journey.

I've many a cross to take up now,
    And many left behind;
  But present troubles move me not,
    Nor shake my quiet mind.
  And what may be to-morrow's cross
    I never seek to find;
  My Father says, "Leave that to me,
    And keep a quiet mind."

The mountains! Let me tell you how surprised I am to find Arizona surrounded by these huge mountains. I don't know what it was I expected this state to look like, but never like this, that's for sure. One could stand in one spot and do a complete 360 in that spot to find a complete circle of mountains in the background. Gorgeous!

As of now, the Mountains are my favorite and my choice of residence. If I had to choose right now where in Arizona I would live, that's where I am heading. We spent an entire day at Prescott. There is a small town right before Prescott and right after that winding ride up the mountain that would be my choice. 
 I thought that I would have problems with my joints up there in the mountains, because of the high altitude. It was quite the opposite. My legs felt the best right up there. Amazingly good. I felt no aches and pains at all. My ears were popping constantly and my mouth was extremely dried. Eventually, all of that would adapt naturally, but I do realize one has to be hydrated well to live up there. 
 Another thing that was surprising up there was the weather. The temperatures are a bit cooler and at times, they even have a light coating of snow. It probably has the closest weather to my state than anywhere else in Arizona. Or at least, an attempt of having other Seasons than sunshine all year round. When we got to Prescott, there were actual trees and I don't mean Palms. It could have been any suburb in Illinois right now. There was the turning of foliage that I loved. 
 If you want to see more of these mountains, feel free to visit my previous blog titled " Sightseeing With Dad" and you can see them in the background of our pictures.
In conclusion, I think I have found another edition to my "maybe" retirement homes.

Have a blessed day everyone.