Friday, April 21, 2017

A Difficult Week

                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                   everyday is a journey.

Come, Disappointment, come!
Thou art not stern to me;
Sad monitress! 
I own thy sway,
A votary sad in every day,
I bend my knee to thee,
From sun to sun
My race will run;
I only bow, and say, 
My God, thy will be done!

Where can I begin? There are times, there are weeks, there are days, where we struggle every step of the way. We are bombarded by one mishap after another. Every single day, it becomes harder and harder to get up and face the world. We want to hide and lick our wounds. Lord, let me sit here under the covers until this week is all over. 

My week began with hearing of the sudden death of a young lady in my Bible study. Young meaning in her twenties. It always pains me to see such a young person pass away. I don't understand the "why" behind her death, but I do trust in my Lord. 

Our Bible study lesson on Monday dealt with the weeping and rejoicing in our lives. Boy, I have wept all week and I'm waiting for Friday to come for my rejoicing! 

By the time Wednesday came around, I was worn out mentally. You know what I mean? That mental strain of having things go wrong at work, at home, on the way to somewhere. These minor, but frustrating things that can send your ordinary day into a spin, setting the tone for the remainder. 

On top of all that, an unexpected bill had to be paid that emptied out a savings we have spent months to fill. At least , we had these savings. I am grateful for that. That day ended pretty badly. At work, I lost my temper at the frustrations that awaited me there. I hate losing my temper. It stays with me for days!

My poor legs/joints/wrist have been in pure agony with the rainy season we are experiencing. I toss and turn every night, my knees feeling like cement blocks every time I take a step. I haven't crocheted all week since my wrist has been hurting. Maybe that's the problem?

To say that I'm feeling sorry for myself is an understatement. My own pity party going on inside my head. It's so silly. I have been through so much worse and I cannot handle the ordinary day to day living. Shame on me. 

I know that all of this shall pass. It is a bad moment. A bad week. Next week will be better. If not, it cannot last too long. Yet, there are times where I want to stop time. Just stop and exhale for a moment. I want to close my eyes and feel all the tensions leaving my body. I think that's what I need this weekend. I need to shut the world out. Turn off the phone and close the door. That sounds soooo good to me right now.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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