Sunday, April 30, 2017

How To Stay Young

                                                         Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                          everyday is a journey.

You hear that boy laughing?
--you think he's all fun;
But the angels laugh too at the good he has done;
The children laugh loud as they troop to his call,
And the poor man that knows him laughs loudest of all.

You have to forgive me today, but I could not resist posting the following. Once in a while, something stirs inside of me  and I have this need to be funny. Now, I don 't remember where I found the following or actually compiled the list. In fact, when I googled it, many authors have used this post so I have no idea who originally stated it. I received it on Enjoy. 

1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight, and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them' 

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.

4. Enjoy the simple things. 

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips.Take a trip to the mall, even to the next country; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity. AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Have a Happy Sabbath everyone.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

The White Trash

                                                                    Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey

If on our daily course our mind
  Be set to hallow all we find,
  New treasures still, of countless price,
  God will provide for sacrifice.

Not too long ago, I had a very disturbing conversation with someone. You know the kind I mean where it leaves you speechless, unable to respond. It was based on where people live. This individual pointed out to me all the areas around us that he considered bad, with all those foreigners and just plain white trash.

Let me tell you that I was left speechless. This person lives in a very affluent suburb in a very luxurious home. I guess in his eyes, anyone not doing the same are poor and trashy.

As I drove home from work that night, I went through the usual route. The same streets. The same shops. The same apartment buildings. As I neared my complex, I saw an older man park his vehicle in front of an apartment and walked towards the front door. Now, if you've ever had feet problems, you can always tell a fellow victim to aching feet by how they walk. This man had a rough day at work, probably working for a lot less money than what he deserved. His feet ached and most likely the rest of his body too. He couldn't wait to get inside and go to sleep. So you are telling me that this tired man is white trash? 

What upset me more was my slowness to act. In my youth, I would have pounced on this individual straight for the throat without even thinking. My words would have hurt as intended. So why couldn't I do that now? Back then I would have responded with anger. Now, despair filled my heart. How in the world will we ever learn to love, respect and work together if we can't even live side by side without judgment and condemnation? 

The walls of materialism separate us. He who has plenty will always look down on he who has less. And that is the honest truth. Who is he to call anyone white trash?

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. John 8:7

What a great verse to live by. Words hurt. Judgments hurt. Actions hurt. Kindness doesn't. Respect doesn't. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Scripture Group

                                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                            everyday is a journey.

A human heart knows aught of littleness,
Suspects no man, compares with no one's ways,
Hath in one hour most glorious length of days,
A recompense, a joy, a loveliness;

As Christians, we look for opportunities to grow spiritually and learn theologically in the Faith. We join Bible studies, serve our Church and community. Yet, once in a while, we want a little something extra. 

A few months back, I've joined an on-line Scripture Writing Group led by my Daughter-in-law Aubrey. I love, love doing this and look forward to every month. Now, I'm not an artist or is my handwriting beautiful at all, but it is mine. 

I've started out using a notebook and still continue doing so.

I let my own creativity flow through rather that is using stickers or drawing by hand.

Recently, I've began coloring designs inside my Bible. 

Here's one of my favorites.

This is one has both: in the Bible and in the notebook of the same verse.


Another recent one.

                                                    And Another.

I'm really enjoying myself tremendously. It is my moment alone with God. I have this image in my head that one day after I have gone to Heaven, someone will read my journals and enjoy them as much as I did. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017


                                                                        Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                        everyday is a journey.

Let us stand by our duty fearlessly and effectively. 
I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true.
 I am not bound to succeed, 
but I am bound to live up to the light that I have.
--Abraham Lincoln.

It seems that I no longer can eat whatever I want. After two stomach bugs this Winter, plus an occasional irritable attack on my bowels from the radiation, I had no choice but to accept this realization. I can no longer eat whatever I want.

I love food. I enjoy food. I love to try different cuisines from all over the world. For someone like me, this isn't good news. The thought of giving up foods I love is depressing to me, but they do not love me in return. 

Besides, even though I have lost weight with the radiation treatment, I have rather indulged myself since Christmas. In the end, I have gained some of it back. No surprise here. My weight struggle has plagued me now for ten years. I don't think I'll ever be the size I used to be. 

Homemade popcorn, no butter, but seasoned with herbs and shaved mozzarella. 

A simple supper of mashed potatoes, sliced avocado with sauteed green beans/tomatoes.

Quinoa and rice salad with veggies. 

Pasta vegetable salad with avocado. 

Romaine salad with strawberries, avocado and tomato. 

                                                      Sauteed leeks served over white rice. 

Having said all that, I'm okay with that to a point. I don't need to be that small, but I would like to lose some weight around my tummy. I would feel better in clothes and in my mental health. As you can see, I've gone back to my healthier lifestyle. I still have binge days, but I'm back on track on a daily basis. What is my weakness? Chips. I'm a chipaholic! Bring a bag home and it will be gone in one sitting. What is your weakness and how often do you indulge in it?

Have a blessed day everyone.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Leisure Saturday

                                                                         Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                          everyday is a journey.               

He guides our feet, He guards our way,
  His morning smiles bless all the day;
  He spreads the evening veil, and keeps
  The silent hours while Israel sleeps.

Lately, sleep has been difficult at night. Due to all the Spring rain and dampness, my arthritis has flared up big time. Here I am complaining again. I really need to stop doing that.

On the bright side, I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I've delivered that darn queen-sized afghan to it's new owner. The afghan, that has plagued me for many months. I thought I would never finish it. Not only that, but it took so much space in my bedroom. It's gone, thank goodness and the donation from the sale will bring many skeins of yarn into our Ministry. Win, win on all sides. 

After the difficult week I've had, all I want to do is put my feet up and take out my yarn. A cup of coffee and a glass of wine on the desk beside me as I watch Netflix. I love Netflix! Who needs television? Let me choose what I watch, when I want to watch it.

Emily is working (as usual) so I will be basically alone in the house with Diamond. Perfect! I have no plans to do anything that is laborious in any way. Relaxation all the way.

We all need that from time to time, so don't be feeling guilty in pampering yourself once in a while. We cannot be of any use to anyone else if we are not rested both mentally as well as physically.  So let me ask you, ''How do you relax?" Whatever it may be, I hope you find some time this weekend to unwind.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

A Difficult Week

                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                   everyday is a journey.

Come, Disappointment, come!
Thou art not stern to me;
Sad monitress! 
I own thy sway,
A votary sad in every day,
I bend my knee to thee,
From sun to sun
My race will run;
I only bow, and say, 
My God, thy will be done!

Where can I begin? There are times, there are weeks, there are days, where we struggle every step of the way. We are bombarded by one mishap after another. Every single day, it becomes harder and harder to get up and face the world. We want to hide and lick our wounds. Lord, let me sit here under the covers until this week is all over. 

My week began with hearing of the sudden death of a young lady in my Bible study. Young meaning in her twenties. It always pains me to see such a young person pass away. I don't understand the "why" behind her death, but I do trust in my Lord. 

Our Bible study lesson on Monday dealt with the weeping and rejoicing in our lives. Boy, I have wept all week and I'm waiting for Friday to come for my rejoicing! 

By the time Wednesday came around, I was worn out mentally. You know what I mean? That mental strain of having things go wrong at work, at home, on the way to somewhere. These minor, but frustrating things that can send your ordinary day into a spin, setting the tone for the remainder. 

On top of all that, an unexpected bill had to be paid that emptied out a savings we have spent months to fill. At least , we had these savings. I am grateful for that. That day ended pretty badly. At work, I lost my temper at the frustrations that awaited me there. I hate losing my temper. It stays with me for days!

My poor legs/joints/wrist have been in pure agony with the rainy season we are experiencing. I toss and turn every night, my knees feeling like cement blocks every time I take a step. I haven't crocheted all week since my wrist has been hurting. Maybe that's the problem?

To say that I'm feeling sorry for myself is an understatement. My own pity party going on inside my head. It's so silly. I have been through so much worse and I cannot handle the ordinary day to day living. Shame on me. 

I know that all of this shall pass. It is a bad moment. A bad week. Next week will be better. If not, it cannot last too long. Yet, there are times where I want to stop time. Just stop and exhale for a moment. I want to close my eyes and feel all the tensions leaving my body. I think that's what I need this weekend. I need to shut the world out. Turn off the phone and close the door. That sounds soooo good to me right now.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

On The Front Lines

                                                                      Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

O Lord, My best desires fulfill
and help me to resign life
health and comfort to thy will
and make thy pleasure mine.
WM. Cowper

My workplace is quite well known for their yearly Breast Cancer Walks, so we are very familiar with anything related to that cause. Throughout the year, we have various fundraisers that we participate in like Bake Sales, Candy Sales and Parking Spot Raffle to name a few. This year, they also brought in a speaker, a breast cancer survivor to encourage us to join the cause.

She made a great point in her testimony, one that I never even considered. There are two types of patients: The kind that go in and have the surgery, walking out with no further treatment except maybe medication. Or the kind on the front lines, having chemotherapy and radiation. 

I've never considered the two distinctions. I have always been on the front lines. That is all I know. I couldn't get her off my mind for the rest of the day. Her testimony left an impact on me. She is so right. So many of us are out there battling cancer every single day. A battle of several battles. 

She has forgotten one thing, she is also battling. Maybe she isn't in full throttle of treatment medically, but her battle is in the everyday living with the disease. We are never free of this disease. We have long lasting side effects to deal with both physically and mentally. We have to deal with the spiritual side which we all end up confronting no matter what your belief system. There are our families, friends and even our jobs that are effected by our battle. 

People automatically assume that when treatment ends, we have won. Nothing could be farther from the truth. That, my friends, is just the beginning. Managing our health has suddenly been pushed up front to the top list of importance in our lives. I cannot tell you how many doctor visits, tests, monitoring of my Bmi's and anything pertaining to my well being, I take notice of on a daily basis.

 Please do understand that I'm speaking from my perspective. I know of a few people who have gone back to their old lifestyle after treatment. They continue smoking, eating the wrong things and not bothering with appointments. Why? I have no idea. Maybe they feel invincible? Or they don't care about themselves? Not sure of the why.

All I know is that no matter what disease we are fighting, we shall fight until the last breath is exhaled. That's how I feel. There is so much more than the treatment. There is so much more we can learn and become even better at managing our health. It is very important for us to take good care of ourselves. We are not here on this earth for just ourselves. Everything we say or do affects someone. Our lives matter. I just wish we all knew that. Take good care of your health.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Spring Cleaning

                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                          everyday is a journey.

Lo, Spring comes forth with all her warmth and love,
She brings sweet justice from the realms above;
She breaks the chrysalis, she resurrects the dead;
Two butterflies ascend encircling her head.
And so this emblem shall forever be
A sign of immortality.

As much as I'm disappointed in the Winter we had here, I have to admit I'm glad we are done with it. Spring is here and I can finally clean up our hallways. The hallways here are ugly and in need of a good vacuum/scrubbing. Every time I walk inside, my nose wrinkles in disgust. This building is not well cared for. 

Besides the cleaning out of the dirty spaces, Spring also represents rebirth. The old, cold days of Winter are over welcoming a fresh new sprigs of life. We burst open our windows, allowing the sunshine through as we listen to the songs of the birds.

I love Spring! I just want to roll up my sleeves and throw open the windows, filling the rooms with clean fresh air! I love to see the curtains billowing in the breeze. Every morning I wake up to the sound of birds singing. How could you not love Spring?

Along with the cleaning, I also end up changing things a bit around the place. Move the kitchen table a little over here. Get a new rug for the bedroom. Maybe a new curtain for the kitchen. Change is not always bad. It can be a breath of fresh air in a stale room. 

So roll up your sleeves, dunk that mop and clear out those cobwebs! Out with the old and roll in the new! Spring is here! Spring is here.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter At Our House

                                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

May I reach
  That purest heaven, be to other souls
  The cup of strength in some great agony,
  Enkindle generous ardor, feed pure love,
  Be the sweet presence of a good diffused,
  And in diffusion ever more intense!
  So shall I join the choir invisible
  Whose music is the gladness of the world.

This is the Easter of Firsts. The first that Emily has to work. The first where we are not prepping for an Easter Egg Hunt. The first where we are not involved in serving inside the Church service. The first Easter in a very long time that hasn't been cold outside. 

There are many things we are missing this Easter, but the love and sacrifice the Good Lord has done for us fulfills our every need. We are celebrating. We are blessed. We are grateful.

Not everyone can celebrate with full gala dinners and family get-togethers. There are so many people out there that we take for granted, because all we can think about is making that perfect dinner for ourselves. There are people who are working today providing a service to us to make our lives easier. Yet, we treat them with rudeness and obscene comments. I think Holidays bring out the worst in people, because we forget the true meaning of them.

So as we shove and push through the stores, the churches, the events and restaurants. Remember, someone is giving up their celebration to bring you satisfaction. The problem is that we are at our rudest during a holiday. We complain. We huff and puff. We are true Israelites! 

Be kind today, because Jesus gave up His life so we could live in eternity pain free and in luxury!  Be kind to the people who are working and providing a service to you. Both my children worked today. Both my children celebrated in their hearts as they provided a service to all of you. 

Happy Easter everyone. Our Lord Lives!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday

                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, 
                                                                   everyday is a journey.

There is a voice, "a still, small voice" of love,
    Heard from above;
  But not amidst the din of earthly sounds,
    Which here confounds;
  By those withdrawn apart it best is heard,
  And peace, sweet peace, breathes in each gentle word.

This morning I had so many errands, just like everyone else. I mean, it's Good Friday and many of us are off from work or having a half day. Everyone will be on the streets for the next two days running around from one store to the next for that perfect Easter Dinner come Sunday. It's all about the dinner, isn't it?

As I sat in traffic this morning, I thought to myself, I don't want the dinner to come before Jesus. Yes, we have errands. Yes, we have shopping to do. Yes, we have many preparations at home. Yes, it can be so easy to become the Martha here instead of Mary. For just this once, I want to be Mary. I want to sit at the feet of Jesus and bask in HIM!

Please take the time today, even a small moment, to remember Him, Our Savior dying on the Cross to pave the way for us. Remember Him, seek Him, and thank Him. 

Remember, there's nothing too dirty that He cannot make worthy. Have a blessed day everyone.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Few Tidbits Here And There

                                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                    everyday is a journey.

 So to the calmly gathered thought
  The innermost of life is taught,
  The mystery dimly understood,
  That love of God is love of good;
  That to be saved is only this,--
  Salvation from our selfishness.
J. G. Whittler

As one month ended and another began, I found myself signing up for various new projects by our Church. All of these, I'm afraid to report, I had to put on hold for now. I found myself over tasking myself to the point of not being able to finish any of them. Instead, I made a list of where I am at with unfinished work and decided to complete them first. That also includes putting on hold my desire for a chronic illness group. 

What's holding up everything? Well, this huge 90x90 afghan I took on as part of a fundraiser for The Crocheting Ministry. It is taking me a lot longer to finish it than I thought. I'm so tired of working on it that I feel it is ugly. I am not sure if my mind is seeing it like that or if it's true. Well, I'm happy to report that it is finally finished!

Thank heavens! Now I can concentrate on the homeless mats project. I LOVE MAKING THESE MATS! It's so easy, even though the prep work before of making the plarn is tiresome. I'm also finding out these plastic bags may be out of reach for us. Many States are undertaking this new plastic bag ban where customers have to pay for their own bags. Chicago has become part of the pack.  I almost feel these may be my last huge mat project. Although, with all this rain, my right hand is experiencing arthritis and crocheting has become difficult. 

We have had a little bit of drama around here. First, this morning I noticed my neighbor's cat has gotten herself locked out. The bad news? My neighbor left for the day. Now, I really surprised myself with the amount of worry I felt for this poor thing meowing for her mistress. Gave her some treats and kept a watchful eye on her since we have numerous dogs around here. She is an indoor cat. 

Second, we have also had quite a few ambulances here this month. Now, someone once told me that weekends and Holidays are the most busiest times in the E.R. Apparently, it is true. It does make sense. People do feel lonely and depressed during the Holidays. 

Speaking of Holidays. This Easter Emily will be working so I wonder how we will fit in Easter Celebration Dinner in there. In my lifetime, I have missed many dinners, this will be her first one. 

Happy Easter Everyone. 

Monday, April 10, 2017

The Encourager

                                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I cannot feel
  That all is well, when darkening clouds conceal
      The shining sun;
      But then, I know
  He lives and loves; and say, since it is so,
      Thy will be done.

There was a time when I was on fire to be a great encourager of fellow women, especially the younger ones. I felt I had so much to offer, a wealth of valuable information and expertise regarding the role of a woman in this secular world. 

So what happened?

Somewhere along the way, I've forgotten the importance of it all. I became discouraged. I watched alongside everyone else as social media exploded with current news. Have you noticed how all news seem to be shocking and sensational? It's almost becoming tabloid- like, instead of the investigating journalism of old. I became discouraged, thinking that no one wanted to hear little ole me.

Then I realized something very important. It definitely isn't about the many throngs of women I've imagined in my mind. It is about that one. While we're looking for the crowd, that one person could be sitting next to us, needing us more than we could ever imagine. It makes more sense to spend one on one time with few than the many.

In my mind, I've envisioned bringing a non-believer to Christ by my mentorship. The reality looks more like a companionship than  a theological transformation, but that's okay. Women are so catty towards one another that they need to hear an encouraging word from us older female generation. Perhaps, we should put aside our scorn, dislike and frowns of our opinion toward these young women and embrace them instead. 

I, myself, can easily remember my youth and the numerous mistakes I've made. Some of these, I could never tell anyone. Are we really any different? I think not. Unfortunately, we are way too similar. So why can't we relate? So why can't we encourage? So why can't we connect?

I look at Emily and see her gravitate toward older women that she calls her Auntie or second Momma. Did I do the same? Did I seek out the expertise of experienced women? Unfortunately no. I sometimes think that the young is so much smarter than we ever were at their age. I know Emily is smarter than me. She knows what she wants and she will not waiver from it. No settling for her the way I did. 

Still, I believe we as women need each other more now than ever before in History. There is so much going on out there. So much more to endure in life. Who else can we turn to who knows us so well, besides God, that is? I would tell Emily as she was growing up that it's hard to be a woman. Maybe that's even more a reason for us to be an encourager to one another. So what's stopping us? Only us. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Rain, Rain

                                                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                 everyday is a journey.

As the bird trims her to the gale
I trim myself to the storm of time;
I man the rudder, reef the sail,
Obey the voice at eve obeyed at prime;
Lowly faithful, banish fear,
The port well worth the cruise is near
And every wave is charmed.

It has been raining the entire week! What's even more interesting is that I'm loving it! I think for the first time in a long time, we are having a real Spring. The temperatures are exactly what they should be and rain is a daily forecast. 

As a child, I have so many fond memories of rainy days. I would love to run around in the rain on a hot Summer day. Usually, the storms would be quick, but hard. Clouds would darken instantly and rain would swoop down in a fury of angry drops. When it was all over, everything looked so fresh and new like a thirsty person enjoying that cold drink of water. Suddenly flowers that drooped in the sun would rise to attention. The grass would look a vivid shade of green. Yes, I loved a good downpour!

I'm not the only one looking forward to Summer. In the Summer months, my Ministry ladies meet at the woods or various parks around the city. It was something we started two years ago and they really enjoy. We have a perfect spot at every location. A spot under a tree just for us.

It's funny how we look forward to silly things that really don't cost much of anything. Take me for an example, I cannot wait to get home from work today so I can continue watching my Netflix program. I don't care if it rains or snows or hails. All I want is that special moment of relaxation, no matter how short it may be. I want to have supper with my loved ones, sitting at a table sharing the events of our day. Something so small, but oh so relaxing!

I hope you can see the rainbow in your rainy day. Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Out And About

                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Now, Lord, what wait I for?
    On Thee alone
  My hope is all rested,--
    Lord, seal me Thine own!
  Only Thine own to be,
  Only to live to Thee.
        Thine, with each day begun,
        Thine, with each set of sun,
        Thine, till my work is done.

So what has been going on around here? Life has finally settled into a routine. Good heavens, I was looking for it to happen and it seemed to have taken a long time. Who's fault is that? All mine. That's what happens when we become so backed up, we're always trying to play catch up. Once time is lost, it is gone forever. 

This morning, the shades went up to allow the sunshine in and birds began to sing in happy unison. Two of our neighbors children played in the courtyard sending giggles upward into our living room. That's Spring for you. 

The sun has made a rare appearance this morning. The typical day around here has been overwhelmingly filled with downpour after downpour. Again, that's Spring for you.

Personally, I feel more energized, carefree and renewed. I have shaken off the gloomy Winter blues and I'm ready for Summer fun like vacation trips. Where should we go? What new place haven't we seen? Checking out the new neighborhood definitely on the agenda.

I don't know what Spring means to all of you. Is it a new beginning? A new blessing? A promise fulfilled? Or is it some more of the old? Whatever it may mean to you, you alone can change the forecast of your coming Summer Fun. 

This morning, I have done something I haven't in a very, very long time. I got up extremely early (before sunrise). I couldn't sleep last night. All this rainy and damp weather has my arthritis inflamed big time. Since that darn radiation (complaining again), it's not just my legs that I feel it in. It's in my hips, knees, ankles and my right hand. I'm right handed, it's very painful to do anything, especially crochet. I think I would cry if I couldn't crochet anymore. 

Off course once again. So I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned for majority of the night. I gave up right before 5 a.m. and decided I might as well start my day. Before the sun rose, I read some of my e-mails, did my bible study and wrote a blog post. All with a cup of coffee and a bagel. 

Good morning everyone. Hope you have a wonderful start to your day!