Thursday, May 26, 2016

Throwback Thursday


                                               Everyday is a brand new

                                                day, everyday is a journey.

    It's time again for our weekly Throwback Thursday where we take a look to a previous post in the year 2013.        


As I read the following post, my feelings have not changed since then. I feel that people really do waste their lives fighting over things that don't matter.  I know many who hold bitterness against others to the point where no one can identify the original issue. Like many people out there, I also have people who hold grudges against me. 

I don't remember exactly what it was that happened that morning in 2013 to dampen my spirits so much, but who can remember some grudges when they have been fed for many years? Why can't people understand that all this time is wasted with hate? And unforgiveness?  Such a waste!                     

The Quiet Morn

 There are days that we long for the quiet . . . . the stillness. Days where we wish we could start the morning over. Days where we could start the conversation over. Disappointment clouds my morning as does sadness.

  I'm not good at giving advice. There are two things to remember when giving advice. (1) People don't want to hear the truth. People want to hear what they want you to say, but most of all, I've forgotten an important detail . . . . (2) people need to experience things for themselves.

  I'm also not good at debates. The things that people bring up during debates shock me. You really have to perfect the art of arguing to be a great debater. I am a lover not a fighter, baby.

  Anyway, today is one of those mornings. I wish I kept my mouth shut and didn't get involved in debates and advice giving. Usually, I'm the one who walks away wounded and torn to bits.

  People look for conspiracy, hidden motives and deceit. They need to "see" rather than believe by faith, devotion, love and loyalty.
  If people live by sight rather than faith, is it such a wonder there is a lack of God in our society?

  Instead of looking for ways to destroy the world we live in and each other, why don't we try to save it. Instead of reaching for snide remarks and ways to outdo the next guy . . . . why don't we reach for the Bible. Instead of voicing all the terrible things that have happened to us, why don't we acknowledge all that God has done for us.

  As someone who's time is limited here in this world, it pains me to see people looking for controversy rather than living their life to their fullest potential. I would love to be able to live to the ripe old age of my ancestors, who lived well into their nineties. Most likely this will not happen. The years I do have, I consider a Blessing.

  It pains me to see people waste their time here full of anger and suspicion. So intent on "seeing"? Take a good look at your life. What do you "see"? Lord, never help me forget where I've been. I need to "see" where I'm going.
Have a Blessed Life.

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