Thursday, May 19, 2016

Throwback Thursday


                                            Everyday is a brand new day,

                                             everyday is a journey.

  Another Throwback Thursday is upon us as we take a look back to an older post from 2013. Where were then and where are we now.

I have to admit that I truly, truly miss third shift. If I had learned anything these past few years of shift change, it's that I belong on third. I never had to take off work for a doctor appointment or any kind of appointment. Granted, I was very tired and didn't get much sleep, but I had plenty of time to take care of things. My vacation time was spent doing fun stuff and not hospital stuff. 

Besides, all my errands were done on my way home from work, leaving the weekends for my own pleasure. Boy, I really miss third shift.


Sleeping Beauty

  Last night, I returned to work after being off an entire week for my second infusion of chemo. What I didn't expect was the very, very warm welcome upon my return. I didn't go around telling everyone about the return of my cancer, so it seems the word got around during my week off. I was welcomed back with hugs and kisses. How very heartwarming!

 The night passed quickly and amicably. I was getting extremely tired as the night went on and it took me longer to get things done. By the end, my feet were burning and I couldn't get home fast enough.

  The best part of working nights and getting off at 6: 30 a.m. in the morning, is that I can do my shopping right after with limited shoppers at the store. I love that about doing my errands. This morning, feeling the way I did, I chose to do the most important ones and head home as soon as possible.

  Coming home, I dropped off to sleep as soon as I walked into my bedroom. I slept for the entire day, only waking for meals. Times like these, I am so grateful for Emily. She simply takes cares of things and of me.

  Here I am, finally awake at  8:00 p.m., thinking I just slept another day away. That seems to be the pattern with this round of treatment. I sleep a lot and feel like time is slipping away, a regular Sleeping Beauty. For someone who likes to feel they are accomplishing something everyday, this is hard to take in. The treatment is for 6 months. That's a lot of time wasted sleeping.

  When I consider all the different types of side effects I have had during my re-occurrences, this is really not a bad one. So, my friends, as I head off to the land of nod, I bid you a Blessed Night.

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