Thursday, May 8, 2014

Praise Him In The Storm

Praise Him in the storm .

We all have heard that expression or even had people say it to us at one point or another . Years ago , that simple , yet true , line would irritate me beyond words . It was always spoken by someone who had a huge grin on their face and totally happy with their life .

There is nothing worse than seeing others enjoying life when yours is falling apart . When we are down , it's difficult to be happy for others . None of us want to admit that , but it's true .

As a Christian , my goal has always been of trusting God completely with my life . In my naivety , I've assumed that it could be achieved almost overnight . What I found is that it is a process that can take years to achieve . Saying it and doing it are two separate things .

We tend to praise God when things are going great . When things are smooth sailing , God is good all the time . One small mishap , we're still smiling , but perhaps not as brightly . As the week progresses , these mishaps start piling up into a mountain - size trial .

As our problems rise , our praise of God starts to waiver and we question Him " why , Lord , why " ? All our troubles seem so huge and overwhelming as if the end was here . Once the storm is over , they seem like nothing .

This is the stage I am at now . I begin strong and somewhere in the middle of it all , I start to feel sorry for myself and my situation . I stop the heavy praying , the praising , the begging and I sit quietly . . . exhausted , waiting for God .

Even though I have progressed some , I'm still disappointed in myself . I may sit quietly waiting upon the Lord , but I should continue praising Him while waiting . In this , I feel ashamed .

Just recently having come out of a storm , I feel the shame of over reacting in my disappointment , my begging , in fact , all of the above . I came through it , so why didn't I continually praise Him during this storm ? That is my shame .

I know our journey is a lifetime journey and we grow as we go , but I wish I would grow just a little faster . Have a Blessed day everyone .

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