Sunday, May 25, 2014

May Update

The arrival of  rainy weather has brought on more sleepless nights this month than I care to have . The aftermaths of chemo treatments resulting in early arthritis in my left leg , from knee to toe , causing a lot of tossing and turning in the night . I'm feeling all of my forty-nine years in all the wrong places .

Still , after such a long and very cold winter , this warm weather is a blessing to enjoy , regardless of the discomfort I may experience . I'm thoroughly loving the open window concept and hope it can continue as long as possible before the real heat of summer
 arrives . 

The rain has not been the only storm , since the sirens from police , fire and ambulances has become a frequent sound in my neighborhood . More so now , it seems , then from years past . A few of them to our building concerning our fellow neighbors . 

All of this commotion has brought on a desire in me to pray randomly for strangers that I encounter . This can be a stranded driver with a broken down vehicle or for an ambulance passing by . 

That feeling could be more from the fact that there is nothing going on in our lives , but neutral , calm waters . All the action seems to be taking place with everyone else .

 Friends are moving , some into their first home and some far , far away into a new cultural lifestyle . New additions are coming , some by birth and some by marriage . One even lost her job . 

Yet by us , there hasn't really been any change . We get up , we work , we go to bed . Our life has been very neutral this month and we are grateful for it . Sometimes no news is good news .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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