Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Well-Lit Path

There are times when God's plan isn't always crystal clear . . . . but His path is always well lit .

When I began my spiritual renewal a few months ago , I was completely naive . I expected an immediate change and of course , that didn't 
happen . Change can occur suddenly or it can take a matter of time . 

Lately , I have been feeling neutral , watching people go through things in their lives , some good and some not good . The changes are crystal clear . It makes no difference on what is going on , the fact is , things are happening . 

Emily and I have been waiting . . . for what , we're not really sure . Our lives have taken on a neutral status . We're neither up , nor are we down . . . . we're just waiting . 

Still , our path is the same  and we intend to remain on it . We have made a covenant with Jesus and there's no breaking that ! Things may be a little difficult with taking too long  or things are not going the way we want them to be , but we will wait on the Lord . 

Our faith does not waiver . We are followers of Jesus Christ and His path is the only path . It will lead us on our next journey as long as we stay on it . 

So for now , we watch as our friends move on their own journeys with happiness for them . We support and aid them in any way we can . We know that when our turn comes , they will do the same for us .

Have a Blessed day everyone and stay faithful . 

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