Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Day 3 of Simplifying


                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

O power to do; O baffled will!

O prayer and action! ye are one.
Who may not strive, may yet fulfil
The harder task of standing still,
And good but wished with God is done.

                                      30 Days of Simplification
                                             Lottie Krol

Day 3 Of Simplifying  


Organization is my nemesis. I have tried to implement organization into my personal life for what seems like forever, never really succeeding.  

At work I am the absolute organizational genius, often receiving compliments on this fact. Everything has a method and an order to it. I cannot and will not work in chaos. I have a schedule and a meticulous way of doing things. This is what I'm known for at work. So, it totally baffles me why I can't do the same at home. How can I be two separate people leading two completely separate lives?   

I think I might know what is behind this problem. At work we only deal with work related issues. When I place something down, it stays exactly in that place. I am the only one using that workspace with the occasional exception of additional assistance. That's not the case at home. I do not live alone and share space with someone who has different characteristics from me. You can say this sounds a lot like work.  

No, at work we can fire these people. You can't fire your family. You have to accept them and love them regardless of their lack of organizational skills. You can't even document their inadequacies, because they will hold it against you. They will lock it away in their memory vault to pull out when it's totally unnecessary. At work, I have enough tasks to last me eight hours and then I can put it away until the next day. The same rule does not apply in our private lives. The work is endless.   

In this struggle of mine to achieve organization, I have tried many techniques that have sworn guarantees of success:  

  • Charts with chores assigned to every day.   
  • Usage of organizers such as bins, baskets, and shoe boxes.   
  • Creation of lists that lay forgotten on the kitchen table.   
  • A pocket organizer to keep track of all tasks.  
  • Cleaned out all drawers and closets only to fill them up again within the week with new items.  
  • Utilized a desk-sized calendar, do I need to say for what?  

I have attempted, there is no doubt on that, but these things only worked for a short while. I believe the real problem is two-fold going by the names of "space and clutter." I have not enough of one and too much of the other.   

If there isn't enough space for things, then no matter how much we clean and try to simplify by organizing, it will always look cluttered. We simply have to go through our belongings and decide whether we can afford to keep these things or not. I am a terrible hoarder; just terrible! I keep skinny clothes just in case I lose fifty pounds overnight. Until recently, I was still holding onto my VHS collection in case it makes a comeback.   

We also live in a very small apartment where space is limited, but that's also our choice. If we were willing to spend a little bit more, we could get more. So, my inability to become organized is completely my fault. It is a choice that I'm continually making that begins with the famous "I can't." I need to learn to let go of things that no longer fit my lifestyle. Get rid of those skinny clothes that no longer fit these full hips that is now a part of my physiology.  

As for those VHS tapes, I laid them out in the laundry room of our building with a sign that said "FREE " and they sat there collecting dust until I, feeling pity for them, threw them out into the trash.   

To organize, one must first get rid of stuff! Secondly, one must change our habits and the way we do things. It serves no good to de-clutter if we just plan on bringing in new Things to replace the ones we trashed. Come on, you know you do that! There's a bag in your trunk right now. So, what are we going to do about it? Roll up those sleeves, whip out that box of kleenex and start sorting through that excess! 

Have a blessed day everyone.



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