Thursday, July 13, 2023

Day 1 of Simplifying


                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Just as Thou wilt is just what I would will;

Give me but this, the heart to be content,
And, if my wish is thwarted, to lie still,
Waiting till puzzle and till pain are spent,
And the sweet thing made plain which the Lord meant.

30 Days Of Simplification  

Lottie Krol  

Day 1 Of Simplifying  

Thirty Days  

I've always considered myself to be an amateurish writer striving to better myself in the literary world. I take advantage whenever an opportunity arises where I can challenge my writing skills. When I came across the 30 Days Challenge, I thought it was a fantastic way to write for 30 days on one topic! I was immediately drawn to the concept.  

Could I do that? Am I good enough? What subject would I choose? Could I continue the momentum throughout the month? As I immediately thought of these things, I realized it was certainly a challenge to consider embarking on.  

Once I made the decision to take on this massive challenge, I had the difficult task of choosing a topic. The last thing I wanted was to write on a random idea that held no personal link to my life. I was looking for something that would be a life expanding experience in one way or another. I wanted it to be able to learn something, yet not be too easy to achieve. After all, the main purpose of this exercise was to help me grow as a writer.  

At first, I settled on three ideas and weighed the pros and cons of each one several times. I found that it was very difficult to decide. For the next couple of weeks, my mind went into total overdrive as ideas popped in and out. I finally decided on something entirely different than the three I originally had in mind. Of course, I should have already known that was going to happen.   

The topic I chose was Simplification and I wanted to focus on the different ways it can affect my life. I was very excited, but was also feeling nervous to where exactly this challenge would take me. It has been my experience that the path is always filled with unexpected twists and turns even when we think we know what is ahead. The map is not always correct nor clear.   

I'd like to think we are on this journey together, taking one step at a time, enjoying the view around us. Every journey is merrier when there are people with whom we can share the memories. So come, take my hand, and walk beside me during this challenge.  Let's see where we all end up!

Have a blessed day everyone.


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