Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Our Greatest Fear

                               Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Do good with what thou hast, 

or it will do thee no good.

 If thou wouldst be happy,

 bring thy mind to thy condition, 

and have an indifferency for more

 than what is sufficient.
—William Penn.

When I first started the blog, it was meant to be a memory journal for my children chronicling my cancer journey. At that time, my cancer came back for the second time and I really thought my life would end in death. 

It is not an easy task to think of death, especially when it is your own. Death is scary to us, because it symbolizes the unknown. It represents the  finality of everything we have ever experienced and puts to question our faith. Do you truly believe what you believe when it comes to the doctrine of your faith?

I believe that we all experience the fear of death at some point in our life. It is even more pronounced when our health is at question. The uncertainty and the unknown can eat away at us working our minds at full speed. Don't allow that to happen. 

When we are in a struggle of any kind, we forget everything that is true and sensible. We stress, we worry, we become anxious. We allow negativity to enter our minds. We lose track of everything we have been taught and we grasp at things that make no sense. 

I am no different and often struggle with these same issues. I allow myself a pity party that lasts only a few days. After that, I have to get back up and look at the reality of things. I have shed buckets of tears over my lifetime, especially during my cancer journeys. I cannot tell you the exact time and place when I came to terms with my fear of dying. I do know it was a process that had to take place. I recorded my feelings here on paper with words and that helped me deal.

I have no idea what that may look like for you. Will it take a group session with fellow survivors? Perhaps more of an one on one counseling? A personal journal or retreat? I do know that it has to take place. We cannot move forward unless we do so. Even as Christians when we accept Christ into our hearts, we have to overcome that fear of dying. Jesus is our salvation, our life. We become alive in Him and He offers us eternal life. 

I still have a fear of the process of dying. Will it be painful and full of suffering? Will it be quick or will it happen peacefully in my sleep? Either way, I know where I am going. Do you?

Have a blessed day everyone.

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