Monday, November 15, 2021



                                 Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

Bringing something of heaven down to me.
 Love is kind and patient and forgiving
 even when people don't deserve it,

Almost overnight the weather changed from nice Autumn breezes to blistering cold winds. One could hear the howling of the arrival of that shift. It echoed through the night, pushing it's way violently and unapologetically through the alleys on our streets. It definitely came early this year without any regard if we were ready for it or not. Just like life.

I literally shivered as I listened to that howling wind. One could feel that achingly, cold that is waiting for us once we leave the warm sanctuary of our home. A shiver that reverberates throughout our body. Ugh! Brr! Winter is only bearable from the inside out and not being right smack in the middle of it outside. 

We can watch the snowflakes fall, the icicles form on the branches and declare the beauty. We can do all that from the inside. From the inside, everything looks good, even the leper shivering in the cold. We can say how sorry we are and pray for him to find warmth, but we will not open that door to let him in. That leper can contaminate our beauty. Our sanctuary. But that's life.

Life can be pretty cold and disheartening at times. It can chill and harden our hearts to the beauty that lies outside our comfort zone. We can distance ourselves justifying our lack of empathy to just about anything under the Sun. There is always a reason, an excuse why we can't allow people into the inside sanctuary of our home. Our hearts. Our life.

I shiver again, feeling the drafty crevices around me. Yes, Winter is definitely sneaking in whether we like it or not. So barren, so lifeless. So unrelentingly cold and uninviting. But again, that's so like life.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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