Friday, September 17, 2021

Simply The Little Things

                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 Deep-rooted customs, 

though wrong,

 are not easily altered; 

but it is the

duty of all to be firm in that
 which they certainly know
 is right for them.

Have you ever had a day where nothing really worked out for you the entire day? A day where you walked into work to a huge pile that should have been done by the person before you. Or you come home to a sink filled with dishes and the laundry overflowing. You make yourself a cup of coffee only to discover you ran out of creamer.

Sometimes, it feels as if we are constantly running on empty with a perpetual dark cloud over our heads. It's difficult to be appreciative when we are dumped on by the universe. In fact, it's difficult to even see the good, because all we see are the things gone wrong.

The Joy is in the little things.

One hears that all the time, but do we really understand what it means? The little things. When a hard day or week is lived out, what brings you relief? The comfort of taking off one's shoes upon arriving at home. The peace and sanctity of our home. A cuddle from your furry friend. A cup of tea to calm the nerves. How about that drive thru on the way home? A nice hot shower and a good nights sleep. 

All of these things are priceless when we are bone tired and weary minded. There is truly Joy in the little things. Where would we be without them? I was reminded of these simple Joys this very day as I headed off to the salon for a much needed haircut. As I sat there I could feel the stress of the day wash away while she combed, cut and practically massaged my head. I closed my eyes and realized how soothing something so simple  felt. I left feeling somehow renewed and refreshed with a new haircut. 

I left smiling and happy. Was it Joy that I was feeling?

I think sometimes we need to be reminded of all the simple pleasures around us that cost practically nothing, but time. Time for us to literally stop and bask in them. To acknowledge they even exist. Don't rush by on  Monday morning looking for that Friday. Take a moment to appreciate where you are at and enjoy the simple things in life. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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