Friday, September 10, 2021

Setting Goals Post Cancer

                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.   

 In the bitter waves of woe,

    Beaten and tossed about
  By the sullen winds that blow
    From the desolate shores of doubt,
  Where the anchors that faith has cast
    Are dragging in the gale,
  I am quietly holding fast
    To the things that cannot fail.

How important are goals in your life? There was a time where there were nothing, but goals in mine. I had the monthly goals, the next year goals and even a five year plan goal. Do they help you in achieving them?

 I often wonder that point, because to me, mine were more like dreams. I would not only set them, but dream about them quite regularly. I had these scenes playing out my version of how they would be achieved. Very funny now, because somehow, it never quite happened in that fashion. All of that dreaming helped ease the waiting. 

Cancer sort of put a stop to planning anything. I couldn't even see the month ahead, that's how uncertain things were back then. Either I was in remission or coming out of remission and these two played a huge part in my lack of setting goals. Reaching 50 was something I couldn't even imagine and when that happened, I was at a loss at what to do next. 

At that point, goals have come to a bittersweet end. When life is uncertain, goals can become extinct and living each day as it comes becomes the norm. We evaluate the things that are so important to us. Of all the goals we have spent our life making, it's all the minor ones that mean so much. 

It's that relationship that never flourished or the sunset one never saw. A favorite movie we meant to watch and a trip that never began at all. What's important to you?

It's been 14 years since that faithful day in May of 2007. My goals or lack of them have changed as I entered one season after another. I have seen many of my friends and acquaintances pass on. That experience changes a person and how they look at life. I don't ever want to forget where I was in May of 2007 or even before. If we are honest with ourselves, the time before our illness was not exactly pleasant. I bet there were many issues that may have left you feeling bitter, angry and disappointed. Then your health faltered and chronic illness entered your life crippling you in many ways. 

Do I set goals? Yes and no. I dream of certain things, because I am a very hopeful person. I dream of living in a Tiny House one day, but it's okay if I don't. I dream of traveling through the fifty states, but I will be fine without it. 

My goals are more of a daily thing now. I want to make sure I live gratefully for each and every day. I want to make sure I appreciate all the little things that are done for me. I want relationships with people. More importantly, I never want to forget what God has done in my life. That's what I strive for when I get up and it's not always easy. Some days, it can be extremely difficult and I even fail at times, but I never give up trying. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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