Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Year Of The Aches

                           Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 O Breath from out the Eternal Silence! blow

Softly upon our spirits' barren ground;
The precious fulness of our God bestow,
That fruits of faith, love, reverence may abound.

Getting up from bed this morning, I winced with pain. My joints haven't been cooperating. Oh, I know it comes with our age, you don't have to remind me. Yet, it seems this year has been worse than before. There have been a few things that have attributed to the extra aches in my body.

On Easter Sunday, I had a fall right off the sanctuary. So glad that everyone was already outside collecting Easter eggs and didn't have the privilege of witnessing my disgrace. Only three steps going up and down. Three steps. When my foot touched that second step, the wrong way, I went flying facedown onto the carpeted floor. I shall make a point not to complain about the carpeting again, lol.

I could see myself falling and I knew it would hurt. My entire left side ached with pain for days after. It was my left foot that gave me the most pain. By the time I arrived home, it was swollen and I could not walk on it. It wasn't broken. I spent days with my foot up, ice pack on and then go off to work, come back to repeat the same process over again. 

I noticed yesterday, that I haven't been in any kind of pain in that foot for awhile. Praise God that is over. 

Not too long ago, it was announced at my job from Corporate that we had to take the vaccine if we wanted to remain working there. So off I went to get vaccinated. Good Lord! My arms ached so bad! The ache was deep inside my socket and it didn't go away after a couple of days. I dreaded my second shot, vowing that this would be the absolute last time I was getting this vaccine. Next year, if it's a requirement again, I'm quitting. I wonder how long it will be before this ache goes away for good!

The third factor attributing to all my joint pain is the weather. Like my son loves to say, it has been raining 40 days and 40 nights like in the times of Noah. It's raining now. It rained last night. It rained the day before and it will rain tomorrow. Rain.

Of course, there is age, too. I joke around that my body is like a locomotive. I start off real slow, but pick up speed as I go. I think the biggest thing to keep in mind is movement. We need to keep moving and stretching. I do like to stretch lying down. It feels so, so good. Of course, the occasional massage helps, too!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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