Thursday, July 8, 2021

A Quiet In The Storm


                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Oh, dream no more of quiet life;

Care finds the careless out; more wise to vow
Thy heart entire to faith's pure strife;
So peace will come, thou knowest not when or how.

We have a family of ducks at work that have been sort of adopted by the facility. We feed them and kind of watch over them. One night, while we were going through several days of storms, I took a peek outside to check on the weather. Pouring rain, lightening flashing! The area looked a bit flooded. Right in the middle of that flood were the ducks splashing about, wings flapping and quacking away as loudly as they could. They were having a ball!

They did not care about the storm that was raging, they were filled with enjoyment of the special gift given to them. 

I stopped and watched them frolic with complete Joy, completely unaware and uncaring at what was going on around them. Oh, to be more like them. Not afraid. Not worried. No anxiety. No, they were living life! 

I have struggled with all three for majority of my life. Fear kept me from boldly living and experiencing all life had to offer. I worried about yesterday, the present and mostly the future, even though many of these things didn't even occur. Anxiety? I would be strung up that I couldn't sleep or eat whenever some new experience came my way. I filled my mind with why, what if, could be, might happen. Worse case scenarios played out regularly in my thoughts and upset stomachs were the norm. 

What did any of that get me? Only cancer. 

Whenever I say that having cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me, well, people look at me weird. How could that be? It changed the importance of my priorities. The people I love and care about vs. immaterial things. I want to live the life of those ducks amidst the storm. It's not easy to do, but it is definitely worth the try. My past was filled with fear trumping faith, Now, faith trumps fear. worry and anxiety. I will keep on trying until I get it right and so should you. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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