Saturday, July 18, 2020

Reaping The Harvest

                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                  everyday is a journey.

ILL that He blesses is our good,
    And unblest good is ill;
    And all is right that seems most wrong,
  If it be His sweet Will.

A little progress each day adds up to big results. You know, that is so true. Yes, sometimes it can be more of a trickle than anything else, but it's a little more than what was before. We want to see instant giant leaps to the finish line. These tortoise like baby steps aren't quite what our hearts desire.

We know all about those tiny little trickles of progress. It has taken us quite a few years and quite a bit of sweat to get where we are now. I don't think that people realize how much planning goes into any dream that people may hold.

We have been here a whole month now and we went from people questioning the motive behind this move to finances. Yes, finances. Well, when are you going to get a job? That seems to be the number one question of late. It's okay. I am far from being upset. In fact, I am rather amused by it.

If we planned for years this life that we have now, why wouldn't we plan financially as well? Why do people assume the worst as the first option? I am a person who loves to have her feet firmly planted, haven't I said that before? Believe me, I have thought this through to death.

We did not make this move to jump into the first unwanted job that presents itself. I spent 25 years in a career that was very good to me, but it cost me a huge amount of stress. Stress that turned a good position into something I dreaded every single day. That's not what I am looking for now. I want to spend the remainder of my years actually enjoying what I do for a living. It's not about the money nor the position. I've done all of that before. If that's what I wanted, then I would have stayed where I was at. 

My Ministry, my blog and my group have the stage right now. They are not my number one, because God has always been in that slot and will remain. We all need to work so we can provide for our four walls, but it will not be the focus as in the past. I want to choose my job carefully and I believe I am entitled to it. I've worked all of my life and I will continue to do so.

As to our finances, no need for worry, but if anyone is still concerned . . . . well, you can write us a check!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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