Saturday, July 4, 2020

Before And After

                                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                       everyday is a journey.

Within ! within oh turn
thy spirit eyes and learn
thy wanderings senses gently to control
thy dearest friend dwells deep within thy soul
and asks thyself of thee
that heart and mind and sense he may
in perfect harmony
g. tersteegen

Everyone has been inquiring about our new place, so I thought I would share a couple of before and after pictures. Well, at least of two places.

Now, the following is the way it looks now. I actually love to have my morning cup of coffee right here sitting in that rocking chair. The wreath is a gift from my mom. The Flowers were planted by Aubs. and Hannah, my granddaughter.
The next couple of pictures happen to be the living room back when it was filled with boxes. Every morning when the sun rises, a prism shines through the stained glass with the most vivid bright colors. Lovely!
It went from the above to the following. I am happy to announce that we have unpacked our last box this morning.

As you can see, we are pretty much settled in for now. I have to say that we love our new home and find it very comfortable. Until we meet again, my friends.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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