Thursday, July 30, 2020

Just Share It: Niki Hardy

            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Shall we have ears on the stretch
for the footfalls of sorrow that never come,
 but be deaf to the whirr of the wings
of happiness that fill all space?
—Maurice Maeterlinck

I truly loved the following story. Memories came flooding back as I kept on reading. When I experienced my first bout with cancer, I had many people praying for me, loving on me and sitting by me. I felt the love that flowed from their hearts into mine. I will never forget that first time, because for a short time, I felt as if my family was actually one. Moments like that are very rare. I hope you enjoy the following as much as I have.

The Truth We Need
by Niki Hardy

When we found out [my sister] Jo was dying, my dad wished more than anything he could take it from her—even change places with her—and when she died his grief was the sorrow of a father unable to save his little girl. As a dad, his love was never in question.

His tears for Jo hadn’t stopped falling when I told him. It was my turn, and I knew he would change places with me too if he could. I never questioned Dad’s love for me even though he’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination (sorry, Dad). So why did I question God’s love when he is, in fact, perfect?

I wondered whether God only kinda-sorta loved me, or was only happy to love me when I shared my sandwich with the homeless guy on the corner or when I actually felt warm and held. Maybe his love grows proportionately to the amount of time I spend in church? I just couldn’t figure it out.

I didn’t feel loved by him so assumed I wasn’t loved by him, but the truth is we are loved whether we feel it or not. We may see the heartache of our right-now lives as evidence of his lack of love, but he loves us here too. We are loved 100 percent, unconditionally, with no strings attached. There are no terms and conditions, no small print, no get-out clause. He loves us.

The beauty of God’s adoring love is that it’s not dependent on how fabulous or not we are (and I’m sure you’re pretty fabulous) or conditional on anything we may or may not have done (good or bad). He loves us purely because of who he is and what he’s done.

God is love (1 John 4:8). He’s not just loving, he is love itself. It’s not just something he does, it’s who he is. He can’t help but love us, his kids, passionately because love is the core of his being and all love comes from him (1 John 4:7). Just as my Goldendoodle, Chester, can’t help being a dog (a pretty stupid one, I admit, but a dog he most certainly is), God can’t help being love. Chester is a dog and God is love—it’s who they are.

As Ann Voskamp says, “If love isn’t shaped like a cross, it isn’t really love.” This is the unending depth of grace. What more evidence do we need? There are no kinda-sortas, maybes, or ifs with God’s love. He’s all in. When we deny his love, we deny who he is, and when we do that we deny ourselves the extraordinary life he has for us. He loves you because he is love, and unlike my father who couldn’t change places with either of his children, God took your place on the cross and died so you—yes, you—can live. Yes, he died for all of humankind—but he would have died for you if it was just you here on earth. The proof of his love for you is the cross.

Repeat after me: “I am loved.” Say it loud. Say it in a whisper. Write it in lipstick on your bathroom mirror. “I am loved. I am loved!”

Breathe it in, allowing it to refresh your weary bones and spark hope.

This truth takes a close second to the truth that you are loved, because no matter what life throws at you or how you respond, you are enough.

My cancer diagnosis felt like a personal failure. Ironically, I’d never seen Mum and Jo as failures for having cancer, but when it was my turn I played by different rules. I was sick, therefore I must have failed in some way, which meant I wasn’t enough: not strong enough, lovable enough, good enough, nice enough, spiritual enough, worthy enough, you-name-it-I-wasn’t-it enough. Then, when I tried to be enough and fill all the gaps, to do all the things I thought would make me enough, that didn’t work out so well either.

We are enough not because we fill our gaps but because God does. I am enough because I am in him and he is in me (John 14:20), and he is enough. I hadn’t failed, I hadn’t let anyone down, I hadn’t lacked the magic key to living my fabulous happily ever after. His love for me was and is unconditional, and that makes me enough. The same is true for you too.

Whether we’re weak or strong, cry mascara-streaked tears in traffic, admit we’re worried we can’t pay the next mortgage bill, or are about to walk down the aisle with the wrong guy, we are enough because of whose we are, not who we are.

Breathe this beautiful truth in, repeating after me: “I am enough because Jesus is enough. I am enough because of whose I am, not who I am.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Family Photos

                                      Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Knowing ourselves
our world
our tasks so great
our time so brief
'tis clear if we refuse
the means so limited
the tools so rude
to execute our purpose
life will fleet
and we shall fade
and leave our task undone

Moving can be a cleansing experience in more ways than we would like to admit. One has the opportunity to go through all of our belongings and de-clutter what we don't need anymore. Even though we threw out almost half of our things, it still seems like it was a mere dent. 

When we purge we also discover old gems like precious photos of our loved ones. Looking back at these pictures, I distinctly remember every moment, every place that they were taken. Memories, real memories do not fade. Here's a rare one of Emily smiling on camera. A relaxed moment enjoying a meal out.

Can you name all these beauties from 20 plus years ago? All I see are four generations in one picture. Look how skinny I was!
A family car trip with your favorite people. One can see the love in their eyes. It is true that a picture can tell a lot about a person. Or people. 

My mom relaxing on the blanket I made her. When people display what you gave them, that shows love and appreciation.
My mom always loved this picture with her great grandchildren. 
A birthday celebration. A reflection? Looking back? Someone was very deep in thought.

This is one of my favorites. I love pictures that have a relaxed atmosphere reflecting the ease of being in each others company. She is more than a daughter, she is my roommate.
When we three get together, I always feel as we are the matriarchs of our families. Three strong women who have lived life.

I don't think I have many pictures of my mom smiling. One cannot get her to smile openly for a pic.

Here she looks devilish. What is behind that look, I wonder?
Now, we are talking! That wasn't so bad, was it?
This was a huge day for me and she came along. We had a lovely time downtime Chicago.
Another non smiling relative, lol.
Our youngest family member thus far, Sydney, who is like 4 or 5 years old now.
Every time we take a picture together, we just look good! That was my last day of radiation and afterwards we went car shopping.
These two are too funny together. My loves, my family.
My beautiful Aunt Zofia. We would go visit her and end up spending the entire day together. I will never forget the day she served us champagne for breakfast. 
Photographs. Old, torn, faded. They hold so many stories, so many memories. No one can ever take that from you. These pictures may not survive the years, but the memories they tell will forever be imprinted in our hearts. Cherish them.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Just Share It: A Hooker Poem

                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                 everyday is a journey.

he situation that has not its Duty, 
its Ideal, was never yet occupied by man. 
Yet, here is this miserable,
 despicable Actual,
 wherein thou standest—
here or nowhere is thy Ideal! 
Work it out therefrom!
—Thomas Carlyle.

Really have no idea who wrote this poem. I tried googling it to no avail. Being someone who loves to crochet, I just couldn't resist when I saw it. I knew I had to post it here for all of you to read. Just in case you were not familiar. Sometimes, we just need a good laugh so I hope you will enjoy.

A Hooker Poem

My wife is a hooker,
Of this she’s mighty proud,
And the stories of her exploits,
Are legends in our town.
She’s shameless with her talents,
She’ll go hooking anywhere,
And if people want to watch her,
She really doesn’t care.
It seems to be a family thing,
Her mother taught her how.
Seems her grandma was a hooker,
and my daughter’s hooking now.
She goes to Hookers’ meetings,
to learn the new techniques.
She starts hooking in a frenzy,
and won’t talk to me for weeks.
She doesn’t do the housework,
She doesn’t make the beds,
No she doesn’t have time for that,
She’d rather hook instead.
My wife, she is a hooker,
and I curse that awful day,
when she first picked up the hook and yarn,
and learned how to Crochet!!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Catch Up Game

                                 Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Riches and nobility fade together.
 O, my God!
 be thou praised for having made
 love for all time, 
and immortal as thyself.
—George Sand.

There is nothing worse than a slow start to any race. Everyone knows it is twice as hard to get caught up, sometimes ending in nothing, but defeat. Here we are in almost the middle of July and I am still playing the catch up game. One of my favorite games.

I keep running into people and their one complaint is that we have not enough time to get things done. Well, hello. I have been chasing time since my time here on Earth. It just won't be caught. Why do we even bother with goals and resolutions, they never seem to get off the ground.

I remember watching Beth Moore, not quite sure what the event was or the Bible study. I do remember what she said. She spoke of a time where she had to make a decision in giving up something that she enjoyed doing. She had to, because she really didn't have enough time to do all the things she loved. 

Boy, do I know what she was going through. I have struggled this past year in trying to maintain a schedule of some sorts. No matter what I tried, it just didn't work. Then my writing muse left me and I felt dried up as a writer. It's been a dry season for this blog and several of my other activities. I had to make decisions working on what was the most important at that time. Some things have been laid to rest on a shelf collecting dust. Cobwebs.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Maybe, tomorrow will be that day where things will get down and the slate will be cleared? Or perhaps something new will begin it's journey in my heart and life? That is the beauty of life, one never knows what journey will unfold. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Reaping The Harvest

                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                  everyday is a journey.

ILL that He blesses is our good,
    And unblest good is ill;
    And all is right that seems most wrong,
  If it be His sweet Will.

A little progress each day adds up to big results. You know, that is so true. Yes, sometimes it can be more of a trickle than anything else, but it's a little more than what was before. We want to see instant giant leaps to the finish line. These tortoise like baby steps aren't quite what our hearts desire.

We know all about those tiny little trickles of progress. It has taken us quite a few years and quite a bit of sweat to get where we are now. I don't think that people realize how much planning goes into any dream that people may hold.

We have been here a whole month now and we went from people questioning the motive behind this move to finances. Yes, finances. Well, when are you going to get a job? That seems to be the number one question of late. It's okay. I am far from being upset. In fact, I am rather amused by it.

If we planned for years this life that we have now, why wouldn't we plan financially as well? Why do people assume the worst as the first option? I am a person who loves to have her feet firmly planted, haven't I said that before? Believe me, I have thought this through to death.

We did not make this move to jump into the first unwanted job that presents itself. I spent 25 years in a career that was very good to me, but it cost me a huge amount of stress. Stress that turned a good position into something I dreaded every single day. That's not what I am looking for now. I want to spend the remainder of my years actually enjoying what I do for a living. It's not about the money nor the position. I've done all of that before. If that's what I wanted, then I would have stayed where I was at. 

My Ministry, my blog and my group have the stage right now. They are not my number one, because God has always been in that slot and will remain. We all need to work so we can provide for our four walls, but it will not be the focus as in the past. I want to choose my job carefully and I believe I am entitled to it. I've worked all of my life and I will continue to do so.

As to our finances, no need for worry, but if anyone is still concerned . . . . well, you can write us a check!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

30 Days Of More: More Tact

                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                              everyday is a journey.

Why shouldst them fill to-day with sorrow
About to-morrow,
My heart?
One watches all with care most true,
Doubt not that He will give thee too
Thy part.

I knew it wasn't going to be a good week. In the space of two days I have offended two people and none of it intentionally. Was I mean? No, just honest.

When my daughter Emily learned to speak, all tact went out the window. That girl didn't know how to lie. She would always share her honest opinion, feelings and thoughts. I did say honest, right? She wasn't being mean, she just didn't know how to be tactful. I didn't know what to do with her, because one never knew what would come out of that mouth. I blamed her father and his family. That kind of behavior couldn't have come from me, no way!

After this week's experience, I hate to admit this, but a lot of my daughter's behavior actually came from me. That tactless mouth? All me. Why do I feel the need to be so honest?

Zipping our mouths can be more difficult than it seems. When we become very close to someone, we feel we can say or do just about anything. I've also found that when people confide things to you, they are not asking for advice. They are just venting. They need a listening ear that will not be judgmental, but somehow we feel as if we need to contribute some of our own sage advice. Funny thing, if we really were that smart, we wouldn't be making mistakes of our own, but that's another story.

Along with the tact, I need to learn to mind my own business. In our old place, we had these beautiful picture windows that took up almost the entire wall. I placed my desk right in front of that window so I could look out as I worked. When we moved into our current apartment, the windows were not exactly the same. Even when I set the desk in front of a window, I still couldn't see sitting down. One had to stand to sneak a peek. Emily would laugh saying that God wanted me to learn to mind my own business that's why we ended up with the windows that we did. She's probably right.

I guess learning to be tactful is a process that can't be achieved without a painful learning curve. Only way to learn something is to go through it. When we are faced with the consequences of our actions can we truly know the ramifications of what it is to mess up. Once that happens, I can assure you that we will be extremely cautious the second time around. We learn from our mistakes or at least, we should.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Before And After

                                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                       everyday is a journey.

Within ! within oh turn
thy spirit eyes and learn
thy wanderings senses gently to control
thy dearest friend dwells deep within thy soul
and asks thyself of thee
that heart and mind and sense he may
in perfect harmony
g. tersteegen

Everyone has been inquiring about our new place, so I thought I would share a couple of before and after pictures. Well, at least of two places.

Now, the following is the way it looks now. I actually love to have my morning cup of coffee right here sitting in that rocking chair. The wreath is a gift from my mom. The Flowers were planted by Aubs. and Hannah, my granddaughter.
The next couple of pictures happen to be the living room back when it was filled with boxes. Every morning when the sun rises, a prism shines through the stained glass with the most vivid bright colors. Lovely!
It went from the above to the following. I am happy to announce that we have unpacked our last box this morning.

As you can see, we are pretty much settled in for now. I have to say that we love our new home and find it very comfortable. Until we meet again, my friends.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Stormy Days

                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                           everyday is a journey.                    

Whate'er events betide,
    Thy will they all perform;
  Safe in Thy breast my head I hide,
    Nor fear the coming storm.

I have never been afraid of storms. Here in Chatham, with the open sky, storms look foreboding and dark. The vastness and beauty of it, I just can't get enough of it. Living in the city, I have never seen the sky in this way. 

Nature is so beautiful and yet dangerous at the same time. It is also wonderful for healing.

Aubs.:  Mama, do you know what a tornado siren sounds like? When you hear one, just go into your bathroom. 

Me: Have you seen a tornado?

Aubs,: No.

Me: Have you heard the siren go off?

Aubs.: Yes. 

You know, I've forgotten about tornadoes. Silly, isn't it? It's all part of country living and yet, it never even entered my mind. Am I afraid? No, but I certainly respect the force of nature. 

It's been raining on and off all week. You can see that the storms are not over by the darkened skies and puddles of water everywhere. 

One of our neighbors children came running out to play in the puddles during the last storm. As the thunder and lightening roared, they screamed as they ran back into their mother's arms. Not for long, soon they came back out again until the skies roared again. I loved to watch their carefree play and the laughter as they squealed their delight. 

Such a lovely moment, full of innocence and purity. Oh, to be a child once again. 

Have a blessed day everyone.