Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Looking Back Or Moving Forward?

                            Everyday is a brand new day, 
                            everyday is a journey.

If my shut eyes should dare their lids to part,
  I know how they must quail beneath the blaze
  Of Thy Love's greatness. No; I dare not raise
  One prayer, to look aloft, lest it should gaze
  On such forgiveness as would break my heart.

When we were preparing to move out here to Central Illinois, many people were offering advice just in case things turned out differently than we expected. The usual comments went from "you can always come back" or "at least you have your son to look after you" to "You can apply for disability." 

Well, I tell you, there is no looking back or going back here. Win or lose, we're staying. Moving forward is the only way to go. I have never been a bold risk taker, preferring my fee to be planted on the ground. I like having all my ducks lined up neatly in a row. You think this wasn't difficult for me? There are moments when my mind goes to that place of uncertainty and anxiety, but I quickly have to pull myself out or I will drown in it.

Life is risky. No one's life stays peaceful and calm all of their days. Sometimes, we have to go on an adventure. This is our adventure . . . . a lifelong one.

Yesterday morning, we took a drive to Peoria to take care of a task. The drive there was beautiful. It was very green and sort of hilly farmland, but downtown Peoria was a big city. You know, we realized that it will be awhile before we go back even for a visit. It's just not in us anymore.

Honestly, I couldn't be happier. I finally have a very nice place to live in and I am out of the city. It does not matter that I will be making less money nor be in any kind of leadership role. I have done all that for 25 years. If I wanted any of that, I would have stayed where I was at. I had a very good position at work, but I was not happy. It just wasn't enough for me.

So to me, there is no looking back, just moving forward. Life is meant to be lived, so let's live it.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Friday, June 26, 2020

A Busy Week Indeed

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                     everyday is a journey.

There is a time in every man's education
when he arrives at the conviction
that envy is ignorance:
that  imitation is suicide:
that he must take himself for better or worse
as his portion
that, though the wide universe is full of good
no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him
but through his toil bestowed
on the plot of ground which is
given him to till.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well, supper was just around the corner, everything cooking away in it's proper container. I was pooped, literally pooped. In just a matter of two weeks, we have moved and unpacked our whole lives. Okay, semi-unpacked. 

There has not been time to write or crochet or do anything of normalcy. Our time has been filled with unpacking and shopping for furniture. Everyone has been asking if we are excited, but honestly, there hasn't been much time to "feel" anything.

I am a person who plans and analyzes things to death. I have mentioned it a few times already. So I have a real hard time to just relax and wing it mentality. There has to be some sort of schedule or list to go by. 

I'm looking forward to the weekend. As much as we may want to get things in order, we do need to take a break from it all. Maybe a walk after supper or a trip to the Wildlife Refuge. Maybe just a lazy day doing absolutely nothing. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Six Year Plan: Life In The Sun

                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 The souls most precious to us here
    May from this home have fled;
  But still we make one household dear;
    One Lord is still our head.
  Midst cherubim and seraphim
    They mind their Lord's affairs;
  Oh! if we bring our work to Him
    Our work is one with theirs.

There was a moment there where I really contemplated moving to a one season climate.
In the past, I've never even considered a life in the sun. My plan looked a little different. I wanted somewhere closer to my children. I wanted a place that had four Seasons and never even thought about living in a climate with only one. You may remember my Winter scene hence retirement?

Anywhere sunny means one thing to me: long distance away from my children. I could possibly handle relatives and friends visiting once a year or more, but my children? I don't think so. It is just too far away. Besides, that just didn't fit in with any of my plans.

Yet, I did think about it seriously for a moment. Had the timing been different, I can honestly say, I would have said yes. The move itself consists of over 1700 hundred miles. Also, because I am not social security age, the cost of living would have been no different there than here. The entire point of moving was to benefit financially, make that work for me and not the other way around. 

One never knows what lies ahead and I will not rule out the "life in the sun" idea for good. It will always be there, waiting for me to pick it up again when I am ready. For now, I have made my decision and I am very happy with it. There is time for everything and one day I will get there, too. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

Where You Can Find Me

                                                 Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                  everyday is a journey.

My mind was ruffled with small cares to-day,
And I said pettish words, and did not keep
Long-suffering patience well, and now how deep
My trouble for this sin! in vain I weep
For foolish words I never can unsay.

In today's world, we have multiple social media outlets where we can express ourselves, share our lives and interact with others. Here are some links to where you can find me. 

The Crocheting Ministry
My pride and joy. No one has any idea how much this Ministry means to me. I feel as if I birthed this baby with the help of the community. God blest me over and over with the fruits, filling my heart with satisfaction. 

If you are interested in seeing some of the things the many ladies and gentlemen have made over the years, please check us out. Take a peak at the very large photo gallery or the many charities we have donated some of our items. 

The Chronic Illness Group
In this group you will find women of all ages and race, who are dealing with some form of chronic illness on a daily basis. There are no specialists who claim to have a 5 step program that will solve all of our problems . Nope. Just a group who are willing to share, to support and pray when needed it. Of course, it is private. 

The E-mail
You can reach me via e-mail anytime, especially if it concerns your or someone you know with cancer. 

I am not very familiar with twitter, but will answer any questions or messages. Feel free to reach out.

The blog
A couple of things in regards to this blog. I do realize that things look different on the blog when they are viewed via a cell phone versus computer. The best way to make sure you do not miss any of my posts is to click on the "follow" button.

On the right hand side of the blog page, you will find my picture with an "all about me" tag. Right below that are my blog archives where you can read any blog I have posted no matter what year. You can catch up right from the beginning or just the past few days.

If you scroll down even more, past the archives, you will find the "follow" button. Click on that and enter your e-mail. This way you will receive any future blogs as I post them. They will be sent directly into your e-mail. 

If you scroll down after reading the blog post, there is a comment section for you to post if you desire to do so. On your phone, that will require you to scroll as far down as you can, then you will see the comment section.

I hope this helps everyone. If you need to get in touch to chat, offer advise or encouragements or make any kind of yarn donation, please feel free to contact me via any of these social medias. 

Have a blessed day everyone.