Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Looking Back Or Moving Forward?

                            Everyday is a brand new day, 
                            everyday is a journey.

If my shut eyes should dare their lids to part,
  I know how they must quail beneath the blaze
  Of Thy Love's greatness. No; I dare not raise
  One prayer, to look aloft, lest it should gaze
  On such forgiveness as would break my heart.

When we were preparing to move out here to Central Illinois, many people were offering advice just in case things turned out differently than we expected. The usual comments went from "you can always come back" or "at least you have your son to look after you" to "You can apply for disability." 

Well, I tell you, there is no looking back or going back here. Win or lose, we're staying. Moving forward is the only way to go. I have never been a bold risk taker, preferring my fee to be planted on the ground. I like having all my ducks lined up neatly in a row. You think this wasn't difficult for me? There are moments when my mind goes to that place of uncertainty and anxiety, but I quickly have to pull myself out or I will drown in it.

Life is risky. No one's life stays peaceful and calm all of their days. Sometimes, we have to go on an adventure. This is our adventure . . . . a lifelong one.

Yesterday morning, we took a drive to Peoria to take care of a task. The drive there was beautiful. It was very green and sort of hilly farmland, but downtown Peoria was a big city. You know, we realized that it will be awhile before we go back even for a visit. It's just not in us anymore.

Honestly, I couldn't be happier. I finally have a very nice place to live in and I am out of the city. It does not matter that I will be making less money nor be in any kind of leadership role. I have done all that for 25 years. If I wanted any of that, I would have stayed where I was at. I had a very good position at work, but I was not happy. It just wasn't enough for me.

So to me, there is no looking back, just moving forward. Life is meant to be lived, so let's live it.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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