Thursday, March 26, 2020

Sheltering In Place

                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                           everyday is a journey.

Without murmur, uncomplaining
    In His hand,
  Leave whatever things thou canst not

I really don't think people understand what sheltering in place actually means. Here we are facing a huge coronavirus outbreak and people are everywhere. The State has been placed on a temporary lockdown and people are in the parks, in the stores, on the streets, everywhere, but in their homes.

The shopping situation just baffles me. Believe me, I totally understand people panicking and running to the stores to stock up. I get  it. What I don't get is the everyday panic buying. Sooner or later one runs out of storage in their kitchen. The refrigerator is full. The kitchen pantry and cabinets are full. Why must they keep running out to the store and buying more and more? I don't get it, just don't get.

Why does it even matter to me? Well, for one thing, all of us are exposed to one another in these stores. All this running around from place to place just opens us up to more chances of getting the virus. Secondly, I need some greens for my salad. Every time I see the parking lots full of people, it turns me off from entering. I don't want to be waiting in line for some lettuce. To me, it just defeats the purpose of being on lockdown to minimize the exposure.

Funny thing, the people that are housebound would love to be an essential worker, because they don't like to be indoors. The essential workers want to be housebound. Isn't that how life always seems to work?

Me? I could be housebound without any problem. In fact, I've dreamed of doing so long before the coronavirus came on the scene. I have a secret dream of retiring and spending the Winter months hibernating inside my little apartment. In my dream, I would spend countless moments crafting and crocheting. Perhaps, even a bit of writing. So many things one could do, just give me the internet and I will be good to go.

I want to shelter in place. I'm not ashamed to say it. I have been looking on to my fellow crafty sisters quite envious of all the projects they are creating. Crafty people know how to occupy themselves. Is it because we are so nerdy? I am a nerd, no shame there, either.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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