Tuesday, March 10, 2020

A Dry Spell

                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Onward, onward may we press
Through the path of duty;
Virtue is true happiness,
Excellence true beauty;
Minds are of supernal birth,
Let us make a heaven of earth.
—James Montgomery.

A dry spell. Writer's block. Whatever you want to call it, I have it. This has been a difficult year for my writing. It just doesn't want to flow. I could sit there and stare at the blank page for hours, waiting and hoping something would ignite my brain. Nothing, just plain nothing.

I think that my mind is way too cluttered with other issues and I can't think clearly. It used to really bother me when I wasn't able to post anything on my blog. Really bothered me. I felt as if I was failing myself as a writer and my readers. What kind of advocate for cancer am I if I can't even record my journey?

I don't feel like that anymore. I believe that we need to rest not just our bodies, but also our minds. I've been spending quite a bit of time journaling during the mornings. Well, it began as journaling and then turned into prayers for others. Now I am doing devotions and Bible study. All of it in my journal. 

One thing for sure, I have discovered how stress free this time has been for me. So relaxing and I find myself looking forward to the next morning when I can continue. So I am calling this a blog retreat to help me through this dry spell. We all have these dry spells and the best medicine for them is just being still as we engage with God in this quiet time. How do you refresh? How do you restore yourself mentally? I guess we all have different ways. You just have to find yours. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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