Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wake Me Up When Spring Comes

                           Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

As to what may befall us outwardly,
 in this confused state of things, 
shall we not trust our tender Father, 
and rest satisfied in His will? 
Shall anything hurt us? 
Can tribulation, distress, persecution, 
famine, nakedness, peril, or sword,
 come between the love of the Father to the child, 
or the child's rest, content, and delight in His love? 
And doth not the love, the rest, the peace, 
the joy felt, swallow up all the bitterness 
and sorrow of the outward condition?

I've discovered something about myself the other day. I don't do well in Winter. It's just not for me. I'm very lethargic, sleepy, lazy and basically very mellowed out. I could sit for hours looking out the window daydreaming my entire day away. There is not an ounce of creativity or inspiration within me. I'm just there.

I have watched a video on YouTube where this person was saying how she begins all her goals for the year in February. For her, that is the perfect time, because January is spent recuperating from the Holidays. Well, I want to begin my goals in Spring. That will allow me plenty of time to get energized.

I think I am a person who needs to feel the warmth of the Sun on her face. I need longer days that offer more daylight. I need to hear the birds chirping and neighbors arguing outside.

I also believe that our bodies are made to hibernate like all the other animals. Our ancestors all worked hard for three of the Seasons and rested in Winter.

So I am taking it nice and slow, listening to my body. Maybe, my mind needs recuperation, too. I have to say, that sleeping after 3 a.m. is the absolute best for me. My bed feels safe, cozy and warm, very comforting in the Winter months. Very comforting. Why should I leave it so abruptly?

Every morning I awaken later than usual, starting my day slowly. I choose about one thing to accomplish that is the most important thing to do. . . that day. I make all sorts of plans for tomorrow that never materialize. 

Oh, Spring! Where art thou? 

Have a blessed day everyone.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Sheltering In Place

                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                           everyday is a journey.

Without murmur, uncomplaining
    In His hand,
  Leave whatever things thou canst not

I really don't think people understand what sheltering in place actually means. Here we are facing a huge coronavirus outbreak and people are everywhere. The State has been placed on a temporary lockdown and people are in the parks, in the stores, on the streets, everywhere, but in their homes.

The shopping situation just baffles me. Believe me, I totally understand people panicking and running to the stores to stock up. I get  it. What I don't get is the everyday panic buying. Sooner or later one runs out of storage in their kitchen. The refrigerator is full. The kitchen pantry and cabinets are full. Why must they keep running out to the store and buying more and more? I don't get it, just don't get.

Why does it even matter to me? Well, for one thing, all of us are exposed to one another in these stores. All this running around from place to place just opens us up to more chances of getting the virus. Secondly, I need some greens for my salad. Every time I see the parking lots full of people, it turns me off from entering. I don't want to be waiting in line for some lettuce. To me, it just defeats the purpose of being on lockdown to minimize the exposure.

Funny thing, the people that are housebound would love to be an essential worker, because they don't like to be indoors. The essential workers want to be housebound. Isn't that how life always seems to work?

Me? I could be housebound without any problem. In fact, I've dreamed of doing so long before the coronavirus came on the scene. I have a secret dream of retiring and spending the Winter months hibernating inside my little apartment. In my dream, I would spend countless moments crafting and crocheting. Perhaps, even a bit of writing. So many things one could do, just give me the internet and I will be good to go.

I want to shelter in place. I'm not ashamed to say it. I have been looking on to my fellow crafty sisters quite envious of all the projects they are creating. Crafty people know how to occupy themselves. Is it because we are so nerdy? I am a nerd, no shame there, either.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Living The Off Grid Life?

                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                            everyday is a journey.

His gain is loss; for he that wrongs his friend
Wrongs himself more, and ever has about
A silent court and jury, and himself
The prisoner at the bar, ever condemned.

Well, here we are day three and still no hot water. I guess the hot water heater went out and the association purchased a new one for the building. It arrived yesterday on a truck, one of the largest hot water heaters I have seen. We become very excited when it comes to brand new things, don't we? I drove off to work, imagining the nice, hot shower I was planning on taking when I returned home.

Of course, that's not what happened. Came home and still no hot water. No note or any kind of message from the association as to what was happening. Well, surely when we wake up tomorrow it will all be fixed. Yeah, right. The morning came and so did at least three trucks carrying the maintenance men. Again, they labored and labored, still no hot water. Obviously, there is a serious problem here.

So what can one do in this situation? Well, we go back to basics, that's what! We took the largest stock pot we had and started boiling water in it. Then we did the same with the tea kettle. Carried both into the shower and enjoyed a good ole off grid shower. Worked just fine. In fact, that pot of water and tea kettle was just the right amount. We really do waste water when we shower. . . . the modern way.

Dishes were piling up, so the kettle goes to work once again and viola, off grid dishes. Pretty soon we might do some off grid laundry, too. You never know. The funny thing was that Emily wasn't put off about any of it. Her reply? One has to do what one has to do. Life goes on, folks. It doesn't stop, because one doesn't have hot water. We still have to go to work, pay bills, make supper and basically exist. It made me feel quite secure knowing that if anything were to happen to me, she would be fine. She could survive and adapt to whatever life threw her way. Oh, by the way, they did finally get it working and we didn't have to do off grid toilet!

Have a blessed day everyone.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

When It Rains, It Really Pours

                                            Everyday is a brand new day,
                                            everyday is a journey.

He spoke, and words more soft than rain
Brought the Age of Gold again:His action
 won such reverence sweet,
As hid all measure of the feat.

My day has not gone well at all. I awakened to a stiff neck and my right arm in pain from arthritis. Looking outside, I saw it was raining and quite chilly. No wonder the stiffness in my joints. Deciding that perhaps sitting under the hot shower would make me feel better, I headed to the bathroom. No hot water, in fact, no water was coming out from that tab at all. Not in the shower, nor the bathroom sink, nor the kitchen.

I literally groaned. I did not want to be dealing with the maintenance men today, especially if there was a real problem. Called the association office and they quickly sent someone out. They had to go out and replace the water heater. When I left for work, they were just installing it. Hopefully, I can take a nice hot shower when I get home.

I made my coffee and decided to settle in getting a few things done on my computer. No audio. None. Zilch. I'm checking all my connections and plugs. I'm in my settings trying to see if anything became "unclicked." Nothing. Again, I just resolved myself that perhaps I need to purchase a new set of speakers. It has been a long time since I've done so. Suddenly, the audio comes on . . .quite loudly, startling me right out of my skin!

It was just not a good morning. I understand that, I really do. Things happen and go haywire.

As I read on social media everyone being on a self quarantine hiatus inside their homes, I felt a bit of envy. What I could do with this time off, the ministry work or even my writing. Believe me, my time would be filled to the top. I also realized that the world has to keep on turning. Some may be in a position to work from home, but not everyone. We still need supplies to be produced and delivered. We still need maintenance men to come and fix the hot water tank. Can you imagine if we all were on lock down? I wouldn't have anyone to call. Instead, I would be heating up pots of water to bathe in.

Thank goodness for the people that are still working during this crisis. We need them and that's what keeps me going as I head out the door to my job. The stores have to be replenished even though I feel a bit envious of everyone who is self quarantined.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Virus Panic

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day
                                                    everyday is a journey

When I hear a young man spoken
 of as giving promise of high genius,
 the first question I ask about him is always—
Does he work?
—John Ruskin

It has been a very tough year, especially the last few weeks. Fear has escaped and is roaming the streets. Friends, I am not here to declare a side as others have on social media. If anything, I am here to acknowledge your feelings in response to this virus. It seems that people have been "discussing" a.k.a arguing on social networks in how everyone should be handling this situation.

First of all, I completely understand your fear or your lack of fear, because we are on different levels when it comes to our journey on this Earth. Some of us have been experiencing life changing events prior to the epidemic and therefore it has cemented our fears of uncertainty. Others are firmly set in their faith, because it is our faith that sustains us during these trials. Which ever path you are on, we have to realize that perhaps the way we were doing things may need to be revisited.

For instance, the prepping. There are numerous videos on YouTube and books out that have focused on food prepping for a crisis or just living a sustainable lifestyle. Many people have mocked these books and channels that they were allowing fear into their lives. Well, look at us now. Everyday we are seeing people going bonkers at the stores, because they have no pantries or any food storage on hand. Something to think about here, folks.

Secondly, we all carry germs. Let me say that again. We all have germs. We may cover our mouths when we cough, but what are we covering them with? If it is our hands, are you washing your hands right after? Are you splashing on some hand sanitizer? Are you using your sleeve? It's on your shirt then. No? Well, you're still spreading germs.

I'm not trying to be mean here at all. Right after I was diagnosed with cancer back in 2007, my chemo nurses instructed me on how to use a Clorox wipe on doorknobs, counters, cabinets, toilets every single day. These are just a few things, but I have continued doing so every single day. I would come to work and wipe down my desk, my phone, my keyboard . . . .everything. For years, people's reactions have been mocking to say the least. They would call me a germaphobe and scoff at me, aren't I perfect? Again, examine how you go about things. The same people that have stood up and pointed fingers at the ones who don't wash their hands, are spreading germs, too. We need to revisit how we do things.

Also, if you are one of those people who are taking advantage of this crisis to gain financially off others misfortune, you should be ashamed. People have been doing so for centuries, using wars and illnesses to line their pockets. Unfortunately, evil exists in this world and will continue to do so.

We have to remember one thing here. The world is still turning. We have to go to work, provide for our families, pay bills and basically live life in the best way we know how. Be smart about what is going on, but don't forget to live your life.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Just Share It: Anne Graham Lotz

                                            Everyday is a brand new day,
                                             everyday is a journey.

They who on the Lord rely,
Safely dwell though danger's nigh;
Lo! His sheltering wings are spread
O'er each faithful servant's head.
When they wake, or when they sleep,
Angel guards their vigils keep;
Death and danger may be near,
Faith and love have nought to fear.

As I read the latest on the coronavirus, I cannot help but think how easily our nature as humans is to panic. We are known for always thinking the worst and worrying about everything. People do not like uncertainty and instead turn to the one thing that is familiar to them . . . . panic! I am not making light of what is happening, but we have to show caution and perhaps rethink how we do things. We also have to live our lives. We have to work, pay our bills, go shopping and see the doctor or dentist. Life still goes on regardless of what is happening around us. We just have to be smart on how we live it.

Is the Coronavirus a Sign of the End?
March 13, 2020
There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven…When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.
Luke 21:11, 28
COVID-19, otherwise known as the coronavirus, has created national fear in a way I have not witnessed in my lifetime.  As of this writing, ball games are being canceled; theaters are shutting down; schools are closing; travel is restricted, and the stock market is on a crazy, wild rollercoaster ride.  It’s almost as though our nation is being attacked by an invisible enemy seeking to destroy us.
While my age and recent chemotherapy put me at risk, I am more concerned about the fear the coronavirus has provoked than I am of the virus itself.  We seem to be caught up in a national panic.
As I reflect on all the above, I remember the words of Jesus. He warned us that at the end of time there would be pestilences.  In the last few years, we have endured SARS, the swine flu, ebola, avian flu, MERS, West Nile virus, and now the coronavirus. Could COVID-19 be one more sign that our redemption is drawing near? Is the End in sight? Is Jesus coming…soon? If so, is fear the proper response?
When Isaiah’s life was shaken, he responded by looking up. As a result, he had a fresh vision of the Lord. (Isaiah 6:1) This is the time to look up…from our knees! Let’s ask God to give us a fresh vision of Himself. Because, God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear...(Psalm 46:1-2) since He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Surely he will save you from…the deadly pestilence…You will not fear the terror of night…nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand your right hand, but it will not come near you…(Psalm 91:1,2,5-7).

Have a blessed day everyone.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Reflections On Technology

                                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                               everyday is a journey.

When we in darkness walk,
    Nor feel the heavenly flame,
  Then is the time to trust our God,
    And rest upon His name.

One of the main things I had to get used to was technology. I am not a techno friendly kind of gal. It really was a learning curve for me as I struggled with all of the latest gadgets. It's not like I can have all sorts of techno items, most likely only one or two will suffice. I love having a social network whether that is Pinterest, Yahoo, Facebook or Twitter. 

With that in mind, it is very important to me to be able to access the internet. I still want to write on my blog, tend to my Ministry and manage my Chronic Illness Group. Everything else is a plus, but not necessarily a need. 

As much as I want technology, it also scares me. I'm not as smart as the youngsters nowadays. I struggle, usually taking me several attempts in total frustration, but I know it is something I need to learn. I think my biggest fear is that wherever I choose to live, there will not be good service. Another thing is that the area might not have the technology available like Wifi or a specific brand. I learned that when we moved to our current location.

The technology road has certainly been a wild ride for me, especially as I try to navigate through the unfamiliar territory. I don't do technology well, especially when it comes to the jargon. Honestly, I'm not exactly going out of my way to learn it, either. That's very revealing, because everyone can learn something if they put their mind to it. How badly do you want it?

This is an area that I find the most intriguing and one I need more than anything else. Everything I do involves technology. Without it, I can't do any of my work so learning it has become an essential part of my life. In today's world, any information we seek, can be found with the click of our keyboard. Not sure how to do something? Just google it. That is how I have been learning. I know I will not become an expert, but I can learn enough to get by and that's fine with me.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

A Dry Spell

                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Onward, onward may we press
Through the path of duty;
Virtue is true happiness,
Excellence true beauty;
Minds are of supernal birth,
Let us make a heaven of earth.
—James Montgomery.

A dry spell. Writer's block. Whatever you want to call it, I have it. This has been a difficult year for my writing. It just doesn't want to flow. I could sit there and stare at the blank page for hours, waiting and hoping something would ignite my brain. Nothing, just plain nothing.

I think that my mind is way too cluttered with other issues and I can't think clearly. It used to really bother me when I wasn't able to post anything on my blog. Really bothered me. I felt as if I was failing myself as a writer and my readers. What kind of advocate for cancer am I if I can't even record my journey?

I don't feel like that anymore. I believe that we need to rest not just our bodies, but also our minds. I've been spending quite a bit of time journaling during the mornings. Well, it began as journaling and then turned into prayers for others. Now I am doing devotions and Bible study. All of it in my journal. 

One thing for sure, I have discovered how stress free this time has been for me. So relaxing and I find myself looking forward to the next morning when I can continue. So I am calling this a blog retreat to help me through this dry spell. We all have these dry spells and the best medicine for them is just being still as we engage with God in this quiet time. How do you refresh? How do you restore yourself mentally? I guess we all have different ways. You just have to find yours. 

Have a blessed day everyone.