Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Importance Of Taking A Break

                                                                 Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                 everyday is a journey.

Thy beauty, O my Father! All is Thine;
    But there is beauty in Thyself, from whence
  The beauty Thou hast made doth ever flow
    In streams of never-failing affluence.
Thou art the Temple! and though I am lame,--
    Lame from my birth, and shall be till I die,--
  I enter through the Gate called Beautiful,
    And am alone with Thee, O Thou Most High!

I just love a beautiful Winter scene, especially from the inside. This year we hardly had a Winter at all. I know, I know. I should be extremely grateful and I am, but once in a while I want that white scene! 

One reason I actually love a good Winter storm is for the shutdown day it brings. When a storm is coming, I take off work and can recharge at home, I have this huge problem of taking on way too many projects, because I love busyness. When you are constantly running, running, it's like you need an excuse to take a break. Or at least, I do.

Unfortunately, this year has been the opposite in more ways than one. We just have so much work available at my job that I don't think a Winter storm would halt anything. Besides, it has been nothing but mere dustings and sleet.

So I bet that none of you want to ask me why rest? Why is it important? I think we all understand the need for health reasons alone, why we need to take a break regularly. Now that break could look completely different to each individual. For me, just staying at home among my craziness is enough. 

Yet, I can't remember when I completely rested by doing nothing. I mean nothing like laying on the beach or in front of the pool soaking in the rays. Or sitting in bed and binge watching and not multitasking. So taking a break and resting can be a real challenge for someone like me. I'm trying, folks, really trying. Everytime I set up a day or weekend, there always seems to be an unexpected errand or request made by someone else. 

Everything seems to be a work in progress when it comes to me. Today I read in a devotional by Berni Dymet: 

Even with a to-do list longer than my arm, some days, there needs to be a half hour to have coffee with a friend. Or lunch with my wife. Or a phone call to someone that God just laid on my heart to call today.

These little time wasters - they're like an oasis in the desert. Those moments of pausing from the madness - are like food for the soul. They restore some sanity and balance and….
That is so true, so very true. It's these little moments that at times become our breaks from the stress. So tonight, I am just watching a show and crocheting, but not much. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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