Sunday, February 2, 2020

Another Day

                                                 Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                  everyday is a journey.

The Holy Supper is kept, indeed,
In whatso we share with another's need;
Not what we give, but what we share,
For the gift without the giver is bare;
Who gives himself with his alms feeds three,
Himself, his hungering neighbor, and me.

I don't think I will ever choose to participate in a "word for the year" or "goal for the year" again. Or at least, not for a long while. In my quest to always be on the look out for ways to grow my soul, I tend to feel I need to be constantly working on something. Sometimes, we just need to sit still. Not for long, but enough to bask in the current knowledge we have acquired.

It's only February and already I regret choosing the word I have chosen. Relaxing is a lot harder than one thinks. This morning, I awakened to the toilet leaking after each flush. It was bad enough for the floor to be wet so I knew it could not wait. I headed out to the association office to make a request order for maintenance, paid the rent and went to pick up Emily. By the time we arrived back home, the maintenance guy was already there and for the rest of the morning nothing else could get accomplished. Just the toilet.

Another day I didn't post a blog even though one is written. Another day a video sat waiting to be uploaded. Another day no appointment has been set with the dentist or the oncologist. Another day of no Ministry work being done. Another day of just plain nothing.

It seems that all we do is sleep, eat and work. Then the cycle begins again and again. It is no wonder that we had a successful no buy January, we had no time to go spending any money. It seems that one has to make an appointment to relax.

It isn't even that important that time gets away from me, it has always been this way. It's the fact that all these small, but irritating things keep happening like someone constantly parking in my spot. Or a paycheck that isn't right. Or the toilet leaking. Or the computer keeps buffering. All these mild irritation just won't quit.

My girlfriend said the same thing the other day. She chose clarity as her word, because indecision has plagued her for years. What do you think is happening? All these decisions are thrown her way. She can't make up her mind about anything and its upsetting her beyond normal.

All these goals we make are fine and dandy, but they can add stress to our life. We keep going on about them all our waking moments. We have to meet our goal, we just have to. I mean, we made a declaration all over social media last January 1, didn't we? What will everyone think? Well, perhaps that we failed?

It's crazy what we do to ourselves in our desire for betterment of the soul. I think we just need to relax.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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