Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Mania Of Coffee

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Thy sinless mind in us reveal,
    Thy spirit's plenitude impart!
  Till all my spotless life shall tell
    The abundance of a loving heart.

Can I have a large mocha latte with almond milk, steamed to 180 with an extra shot no foam, but only half the amount of mocha, double the cup with no sleeve with extra, extra whip cream. 

Good Lord, whatever happened to a regular cup of coffee? There was a time where we ordered a simple black or with cream coffee. If we wanted to be a bit bold, we would ask for an expresso! Try going into any coffee shoppe or even ice cream parlor and look at their menu. Simplicity has left the building.

I am amazed at the Baristas in these shops. It really does take skill for them to make some of these coffees or at least a great memory! It is way too much for me. Whenever I have to meet up with someone at one of these places, I always ask Emily what can I drink there? I'm just a plain cream and sugar cup of coffee woman. Kind of boring compared to the rest of them.

This is a perfect example of our world today. Everything to the extreme, that's why this generation is called the #MeToo movement. Don't mind me, I've just become too old for it. It's no wonder that so many people are leaving the cities for a simpler way of life. This has become too much for all of us in one way or another.

Watching YouTube, one can see many people reverting back to nature, buying old farms and beginning new homesteads. These same people are home schooling and raising chickens. I guess they prefer an ordinary cup of coffee instead of all this fancy gluttony. 

In our last Church. Emily was volunteering at the Resource Desk and right beside her was the coffee machine with all it's samplings. One day, one of her co-volunteers poured herself a cup, added several tbsp. of flavored creamer and several packets of sugar. She took a sip, grimaced and added more of each. I guess it wasn't sweet enough. It was just an ordinary sized styrofoam cup. I think that speaks for itself. The mania is certainly here.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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