Friday, August 24, 2018

An Epic Fail

                                                             Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

In busy mart and crowded street,
  No less than in the still retreat,
  Thou, Lord, art near, our souls to bless,
  With all a Father's tenderness.

The other night, coming home and turning into our parking lot, I saw a skunk sniffing someone's car tires. So I say to Emily: "Hey, when we pull into our spot, let's make a run for the door in case we run into a skunk." 

We pull in right in front of the door, because we have a handicap parking placard. We get out and I almost trip over myself. My purse drops and spills over. Emily makes it to the door, but can't find the right key. We finally hobble in and Emily is wearing a chain around her neck with her key chain. It catches on the doorknob. 

We burst out laughingI said, "Talk about an epic fail. If there was a skunk out there, he would have sprayed us three times over." 

We really had a good laugh over it and maybe, that's exactly what we needed most. Work, for both of us, has been very trying. We definitely could use a mini vacation or perhaps, something good come out of all this stress we have been under. I've also learned that one cannot truly prepare for what is coming. We cannot control the future or the outcomes, we can only control how we handle and process it. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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