Friday, February 3, 2017

The Women Of Willow

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Oh, empty us of self, the world, and sin,
  And then in all Thy fulness enter in;
  Take full possession, Lord, and let each thought
  Into obedience unto Thee be brought;
  Thine is the power, and Thine the will, that we
  Be wholly sanctified, O Lord, to Thee.
C. E. J.

Learn to break the habit of busyness and live out your God-given purpose in life with author, speaker and Executive Director of Propel Women, Alli Worthington. 

I sat and read the words from the Church bulletin as I waited for the service to begin. Excitement filled my being as I read more about the upcoming retreat. I've been searching for that something  
where I can reconnect with fellow sisters of Christ. The more I read, the more I wanted to go. 

Just as sudden as the thought appeared, so did another. It's not that easy. No matter how badly I wanted to go, I knew I first had to stop and determine if this event fell into my list of priorities for the year. Sometimes, we have to make difficult decisions and sacrifices for the good of the family. 

Our schedule for the year involves doctor/dental appointments, family get together's and various projects. There are only so many vacation days we can have and I would have to take a day off from work to go to this retreat. After much thought and consideration, I had to decline. 

Once again, disappointment covered me. Another opportunity missed because of my work schedule. Another reason to dislike my work and my hours. It seems that the devil will not allow me to forget that point. 

I have to quickly remind myself why we moved here. It wasn't for me. It was for her. The opportunities here were endless. I can always go another day, another time. I have been blessed many times over. It was time for her to feel the same.

I'm afraid that in choosing this large Church, I may have opted for exclusion of fellow women in Christ. How do I connect and develop a relationship here when I cannot even make it to the retreat? Or a women's group? There has to be a way, I just have to find it and then make it work.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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