Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Path Of Life

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                        everyday is a journey.

So long as we love we serve; 
so long as we are loved by others 
I would almost say that we are indispensable;
 and no man is useless while he has a friend.
--Robert L. Stevenson.

Where are we going and what are we going to do there once we get there? People have been pondering that question for decades after decades. Everyone is searching for a path in life, a path to live a purposeful life. Am I living that purposeful life? I'd like to think so, but I know I could be doing so much more.

Emily on the other hand, thinks I need to stop adding more activities and responsibilities. She feels that I can barely keep up with all I have on my plate now. This idea of a Chronic Illness Group is not sitting well with her at all. 

"And exactly how do you plan on doing all this?"

I don't feel it's too much. I don't look at my full plate and see bitterness at having all these responsibilities.  I love being active in serving others. I wish I could spend my entire day focused on issues such as these. I wish we didn't need money to live on, so I could devote my time in other ways. 

Take today, for instance. We have spent the day running around full throttle. My Ministry met this past weekend, so I had quite a bit of crocheted items to wash, prep and pack for delivery. When the boxes were loaded up in my car, I looked around my kitchen satisfied. These empty boxes have stood in my kitchen for almost two months waiting to be filled. Sometimes, they blocked my movement in that kitchen, but I loved seeing them fill up with goodies for charitable organizations. That brings me joy.

Was I busy? Yes. Was my plate over brimming at times? Yes. Was I tired? Yes. Yet, the joy I felt afterwards covered and then some all of the above. It's like a mother being in labor and finally giving birth. She never holds onto that pain, because the joy in her arms was worth it. That's how I feel about my Ministries. It's all worth it. 

So how do I plan on making time for it? I'm just going to do it! I have complete faith in God and His ability to make it happen. The ideas are already forming within my mind as to the how. Everything will be just fine.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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