Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Random Thoughts Take 2

                                             Everyday is a brand new day,
                                            everyday is a journey

Though man a thinking being is defined,
Few use the grand prerogative of mind.
How few think justly of the thinking few!
How many never think, 
who think they do!

Two things have been on my mind lately:1) Finishing all of my projects and 2) the future a.k.a. my Tiny Living.

I have been pouring over YouTube channels watching everything out there on Rv living. Honestly, I'm not very impressed. What I'm really looking for is a good blog on the Rv lifestyle. That's what I did when researching Tiny Houses and it has been very informative. It seems that the majority of blogs out there in regards to Rv living, are travelers. Well, I don't want to travel nonstop here. I want to park it and live in it. 

I thought that perhaps I am using the wrong terminology. Perhaps there is a term for living in an Rv that I don't know about. After more research, I've finally had some success. Not the kind where I'm very happy with, but I've decided on two sites. 

One of them is really a YouTube videos of her life in an Rv, but she seems to be stationed in one place at least. Another, I'm not sure if I will like it, but she has several posts on her blog. We will see how this will work out. It was much easier when I was researching T.H.O.W.'s since there are several bloggers on that subject. 

What I'm looking for is the complete story from A to Z in why they chose this lifestyle and the ups/downs of the everyday. I'm not interested in seeing pictures of their various trips. I don't mean to sound uncaring, but I am trying to see if this is for me or not.  

I will keep you posted. At least, with the videos, I'm able to multitask. I can work on some of these unfinished projects while watching them. Stay tuned.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Things To Take To A Friend In Need

                                                        Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                        everyday is a journey.

And yet these days of dreariness are sent us from above;
They do not come in anger, but in faithfulness and love;
They come to teach us lessons which bright ones could not yield,
And to leave us blest and thankful when their purpose is fulfilled.

One of the most asked questions of me pertains to helping someone with a chronic illness. What can we do to help someone as they go through their illness? From time to time, I've posted several ideas that either someone has done for me or I will love it if they did. 

1. Recently, two of my girlfriends and I decided to go for a treat and have a massage. This wasn't Massage Envy or any other topnotch competitor, but the local foot massage places one sees for half the price. What I didn't know is that this treat I was giving myself ended up being a treat from them. What a nice gesture and it wasn't extremely expensive. Regular one hour massage was like 29.99 and with a Groupon, they paid even less. I still think about that massage, but most of all, I think of the great time we had together. 

2. I think that gift baskets or gift bags of any kind are awesome to receive. I have gotten so many different kinds in these past ten years. I have received one while at the hospital that held basic items everyone requires for a few nights stay. From razors, nail files and puzzle books to just plain socks. Basic dollar store stuff that I had so much fun going through. 

A gift basket can consist of anything. I've received ones that held a variety of books. Another was an assortment of teas. Recently, I've seen one with cookies, brownies and hot chocolate. One could make a gift basket out of anything as long as it reflects the person's taste. God for it!

3. Food is a great choice. You cannot go wrong, it is always appreciated. The only thing I want to add here is to consider the other people in the household. Everyone thinks of the sick person, but there is a family here and everyone needs to eat. The last treatment I've received, I've had many meals delivered. All were delicious and appreciated. There was one that stood out the most in my mind, because this person thought of everyone. Also, if you are visiting someone in the Hospital, please don't forget the relations of that person who are there 24/7. A bagel or cup of coffee would go a long way. Many times, they don't even think of food for themselves. 

4. Now, on the flip side. Please don not take this the wrong way, but sometimes too many visitors can be exhausting. I understand that everyone loves you and cares for you, wanting to call or come over, but it can become overwhelming. I, myself, needed naps as part of my treatment. Entertaining can really tire a person out. It did me. I did not know how to tell someone that I'm tired and could they please go home. I never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings, especially when they came bearing gifts and took the time to deliver them. So please consider that they are sick, they need to rest more and keep the visits short. 

5. Another thing I really loved this past treatment is when others would pick up my prescriptions or drive Emily to her appointment for me. These little things really made a huge difference. I've always been a person who wanted to exert my independence so I never really took people  on their offers. I'm glad I did the last time. What a wonderful help they were to me just by picking up a gallon of milk or painkillers. Thank God for these people. 

I hope this helps whenever a situation arises and a friend is in need. We should always treat others the way we want to be treated when in their situation. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Radiation Therapy

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                   everyday is a journey.

Lord, with what courage and delight

    I do each thing,
  When Thy least breath sustains my wing!
    I shine and move
    Like those above,
    And, with much gladness
    Quitting sadness,
  Make me fair days of every night.

Radiation. . . .I still shudder at the very mention of the word. I'm so happy to be rid of it for good. I hope I never have to endure that type of treatment again. Never has anything taken such a mental hold over me as radiation. I find that frightening. 

Frightening, because the very thought of something having such control over me, scares the heck out of me. It also has taught me a valuable lesson. I was becoming way too comfortable with my progress as a cancer survivor. In my mind, I thought I have learned and gone through everything I needed to experience mentally. I mean, it's been almost ten years. I'm a seasoned survivor. 

Bull. All bull. You are never finished. You are never done learning. There is always so much more. You may have overcome one obstacle, but there is another around the corner. We need to stop thinking that we are here on this Earth for our pleasure. We are here to prepare for the work we will be doing in Heaven. 

That thought process changes everything. We are flawed, imperfect people who need to be working on becoming as Christ like as possible. That won't happen overnight.

Radiation brought me to my knees. It made me realize how vulnerable I really am on the inside. There is still a lot of work left in me. Here I am Lord, turn me into a worthy vessel, molding me into the person you see me become. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Falling Off The Wagon

What is your sin nature? First, we have to define what is sin nature? 

What is the sin nature? - Got Questions


Answer: The sin nature is that principle in man that makes him rebellious against God.

We all have a weakness in us that defines our sin nature. We continually struggle with that weakness where we keep falling off the wagon. According to Christianity 101:

"Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me" (Psalm 51:5).
Every human being sins. Sin is often defined as missing the mark. It is a failure to live up to God's requirements.
We sin because we have a sin nature. Every human being possesses a sin nature -- a corrupt nature inherited from Adam. Our sin nature separates us from God: "The result of one trespass was condemnation for all men" (Romans 5:18).
Christians have two natures at work in their being -- one is the old sin nature, and the other is a new nature controlled by the Spirit. These two natures are constantly at war with each other. Paul explains that, despite his best intentions, he is still influenced by his sin nature: "I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do -- this I keep on doing" (Romans 7:18-19).
While our two natures are constantly in conflict, it is not the sin nature that will ultimately control the Christian. Part of the sanctification process involves dying to the old nature. The Christian will sin, but the Christian will not continue in unrestrained sin: "You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you" (Romans 8:9). Sin in the Christian's life will be followed by remorse and repentance.
At Christ's second coming, when the believer's body is glorified, the sin nature will be destroyed once and for all. Until then, we are told to resist the sin nature's temptations.
God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it" (1 

I know I have a battle with my own sin nature. I'm even embarrassed to let you know what it is, because I am ashamed. Just when I have been real good for months, BAM! I fall within seconds and not even with a fight. Why is that?

Even the Apostle Paul had a sin nature that he often wrote about. We are so imperfect and in need of our Savior. Thank goodness He is so forgiving and full of love for us. When we fall off the wagon, He just picks us up and covers us with His love. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Winter's Haven

                                             Everyday is a brand new day,
                                             everyday is a journey

It's funny how the Winters have changed around here in the past few years. Very rarely do we have tons of snow, blizzards, ice and below zero weather. Mostly it just rains. 

It may surprise you when I say how much I miss the snow. Well, not all the time, but sometimes. There is something so calming watching the snow come down as we lay snuggled in our cozy homes. A cup of coffee and a glass of wine on the end table as I crochet my little heart out. 

Winter has always been a time of nesting for me. It's usually too cold to go out into the world like in the Summer where almost all of our time is spent outdoors. I miss that cozy feeling of contentment, serene and calm. At least, looking from the inside out!

This thinking has led me to believe that change not only happens in our lives, but in the conditions we live in. I've always thought that a major change occurs every ten years or so where we either move forward or lag behind. A sort of upheaval in our lives. I call it an upheaval, because many of these changes are unwelcome. 

It seems the same can be said of the weather. I cannot even remember the last time we had a snowy Winter. Not that I'm complaining, but I need all four of my Seasons. I don't think I could live in a zone where the same temperature reigned all year long. How boring! Remember, I like diversity. 

This week alone, we are enjoying weather in the sixties in February. People are walking around with bare legs and shorts. In the next few days, the temperatures will drop once again. Is it any wonder that everyone is walking around sick?

Although, the weather is beautiful, I still secretly am hoping for at least one snowstorm where I can look out through my window admiring the beauty of Our Lord. I know there is some snow coming, I just wonder when. 

Have a blessed day everyone.  

Monday, February 20, 2017

Worldly Wealth vs. Spiritual Wealth PT.2

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I am glad to think
I am not bound to make the world go right;
But only to discover and to do,
With cheerful heart, the work that God appoints.
I will trust in Him,
That He can hold His own; and I will take
His will, above the work He sendeth me,
To be my chiefest good.

I often wondered why did it take me so long to figure out what was the most important time to change priorities of my life. Why couldn't I see then what I see now? 

I wish I could say that my cancer brought about an instant overnight change in my life. The truth is, it became a slow process like a journey I've never been on before. All I knew was that God saved me for a reason. I should have been dead and instead He saved me for a purpose. I was so afraid that I would miss that purpose. 

It was that fear that propelled me to go to Church every Sunday, join a Bible study and learn the Word of God. Somewhere in those pews where I sat, something wonderful happened within my heart. A few years earlier, I accepted Christ, but I didn't accept Him 100%. I made excuses for my behavior.  You know, I would go to Church if there was one near me. So God opened one near me. God called my bluff and saved me. Now I had to keep my end and show Him things would be different. 

Treasures in Heaven

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Matthew 6:19-24

This May, it will be ten years since I decided to take God on that journey. Like I said, it didn't happen overnight. I started a blog, a Crocheting Ministry, kept a 30 day journal on simplicity, faced cancer three mores times and here we are. Ten years of choosing to leave behind the worldly goods and opting for God instead. I have more now than I ever had in all those younger years where I hoarded looking to acquire stuff to make me feel complete. Instead, I shed some extra unnecessary baggage, baggage that was weighing me down. 

I look forward to my senior years where simplicity will play an even bigger role in my life. It's not things that make me happy. I don't need hings, I need Him!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Worldly Wealth vs. Spiritual Wealth PT.1


                                                Everyday is a brand new day,

                                                        everyday is a journey.


  I have always been a person who wanted to know more. I was never satisfied with a simple answer of "because I said so" or "that's the way life is". I wanted to learn as much as I could while I was here on this Earth. It's almost funny how much we change as we become older. The things we enjoyed as young blooded adults are completely opposite to where we are now. Things we desired and fought for, no longer hold appeal. With that in mind, it's no surprise that my desires have changed so drastically.

Nothing could have been more truer in that respect when I was a small girl. I wanted things in grandeur style. I believe that stemmed from not having much as a child. We were new immigrants from a communist country and I desperately wanted to fit in. I wanted a grand home with a wrap around porch. I wanted many children. I wanted a huge car. I even wanted to work in a hi-rise building. I had huge desires and dreams. I would pour over magazines, circling in red pen all the things I would buy when I became an adult. I would save stacks of magazines and catalogs that I would pour over dreaming of that day. My brothers had a blast making fun of me and occasionally still bring it up.

My view really wasn't different from everyone else while growing up. We all dreamed big, didn't we? I compared my successes in life by what I owned. The bigger and more expensive the item, the more successful I felt. In that instance, size did matter to me. Everything had to be grand and massive. I owned 32 pairs of shoes! I wanted one of every shape and color. I wanted it all. In my mind, I thought that acquiring worldly wealth was all that life was about. Isn't that what they call the "American Dream"?

How much time is spent in shopping? Or in hobbies? Or in making money? We need to ask ourselves what am I here for and what do I want to accomplish? It's funny how these questions would have different answers all based on my age  when asked. Life just became simpler as I aged. In all this time, I believe that my life really didn't change, but I've changed and the way I dealt with it.

Over the years, I've turned away from worldly treasures that obviously brought me zero happiness and ran straight towards spiritual fulfillment. It didn't happen overnight. It slowly developed over a few years before I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. That diagnosis changed everything in my life and for that reason, I will always be thankful for my cancer. It woke me up to the real purpose in my life.

To be continued. . . 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

The End Of The Week

                                            Everyday is a brand new day,
                                            everyday is a journey.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! Yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God, can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

The end of the work week is here. I should be elated and thrilled, but right now, it's just another day. I found that whenever we have a busy weekend ahead, we don't really have a relaxed mind on Fridays. Instead, our energy levels are steeped with full throttle ahead. 

The weird thing? I'm actually looking forward to it. Looking forward to seeing my Ministry ladies. Looking forward to packaging up some of these deliveries that have taken over my bedroom and kitchen. Looking forward to getting my bedroom back. So I don't mind if it ends up being busy and I don't have time to lounge in my pajamas. 

I do understand that some of you may have had a very difficult week and are extremely looking forward to doing nothing, but relaxing. I do hope you find that rest.  

Rest is something I have struggled with over the years. I always felt guilt for taking a day or two to simply do nothing, but lounge. In my family, we have been brought up to work, always keeping busy. My parents worked and in their free time, they entertained. I cannot ever remember seeing them just doing nothing. My mom would spend hours in her garden every single day. Keeping busy has always been a way of life in my family.

Sounds silly, doesn't it? Feeling guilty for resting, but it's true. It's taken me a long time to accept that rest is vital to our well being both mentally and physically. I can't be at my best without rest. I can't do what I love most if I'm too tired to do it. So no matter what kind of weekend you may have planned, I hope there some time set aside for something so simple as rest. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Path Of Life

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                        everyday is a journey.

So long as we love we serve; 
so long as we are loved by others 
I would almost say that we are indispensable;
 and no man is useless while he has a friend.
--Robert L. Stevenson.

Where are we going and what are we going to do there once we get there? People have been pondering that question for decades after decades. Everyone is searching for a path in life, a path to live a purposeful life. Am I living that purposeful life? I'd like to think so, but I know I could be doing so much more.

Emily on the other hand, thinks I need to stop adding more activities and responsibilities. She feels that I can barely keep up with all I have on my plate now. This idea of a Chronic Illness Group is not sitting well with her at all. 

"And exactly how do you plan on doing all this?"

I don't feel it's too much. I don't look at my full plate and see bitterness at having all these responsibilities.  I love being active in serving others. I wish I could spend my entire day focused on issues such as these. I wish we didn't need money to live on, so I could devote my time in other ways. 

Take today, for instance. We have spent the day running around full throttle. My Ministry met this past weekend, so I had quite a bit of crocheted items to wash, prep and pack for delivery. When the boxes were loaded up in my car, I looked around my kitchen satisfied. These empty boxes have stood in my kitchen for almost two months waiting to be filled. Sometimes, they blocked my movement in that kitchen, but I loved seeing them fill up with goodies for charitable organizations. That brings me joy.

Was I busy? Yes. Was my plate over brimming at times? Yes. Was I tired? Yes. Yet, the joy I felt afterwards covered and then some all of the above. It's like a mother being in labor and finally giving birth. She never holds onto that pain, because the joy in her arms was worth it. That's how I feel about my Ministries. It's all worth it. 

So how do I plan on making time for it? I'm just going to do it! I have complete faith in God and His ability to make it happen. The ideas are already forming within my mind as to the how. Everything will be just fine.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Apartment Living

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

For all sweet and pleasant passages in the great story of life men may well thank God; for leisure and ease and health and friendship may God make us truly and humbly grateful; but our chief song of thanksgiving must be always for our kinship with him, with all that such divinity of greatness brings of peril, hardship, toil, and sacrifice.
--Hamilton Mabie.

I've always been a home owner until the year 2011. Ever since then, the world of apartment living has been my domain. There are many positives and negatives to living in an apartment. Here are some observations I have made in the last several years. 

1. Yard work
I do not miss shoveling snow in the Winter. We all love the first snow day and eagerly go outside with our shovels to clear the paths while our children make snowmen. Any snow that comes after that, we groan and moan s we head out that door. The same applies for raking, mowing or any other outside maintenance. I appreciate that someone maintains these chores. 

2. Maintenance Inside
When something breaks down, all I have to do is call a landlord to fix it. I do not have to worry about looking for a repairman. I expect it to be done as part for paying my rent. 

3. Neighbors
Some of the best people I've met came from being my neighbors. When I went through treatment, I cannot tell you how many times they brought supper over for Emily and myself. Or how many times they offered to do my laundry or bring my grocery shopping. I don't have problems with neighbors. We all can be loud or rude. We all leave the door open. None of us are the perfect neighbor. It's all about how we treat one another. 

1. Maintenance Inside
I've listed this under both positive and negative. Just because we call the landlord, it doesn't mean the problem will get fixed. It all depends on the landlord. 

2. The Landlord
I've yet to see the perfect landlord. I, myself have had three, but I've also asked friends and family for reports on their landlords. For some reasons, all landlords think they can fix things themselves when they cannot. 

Some take several hours and even days to fix something minor like replacing a toilet pump/chain. This incident, he used a paperclip that worked for only a week. Another, told me to tap on the side and top of the stove in hopes of un-sticking the igniter to light. Usually the latter are the ones who attache the door on their hinges the wrong way and then blame the manufacturer for the malfunction. 

Some landlords came over almost every day, knocking on your door for every excuse. Others were the opposite with multiple cancellations before he finally showed up. Even then, he would rush out the door with promises of coming back tomorrow to finish the job. He never showed. If there was a lamp in the dumpster, one of my landlords could tell you what apartment it came from. Creepy, huh? 

I am not kidding, all of this has happened. So you can see my frustrations with landlords. The place I'm in now, I hope to stay until my retirement and then , I plan on being my own landlord. Every time, I look at that sink that leaks or that door that still has no lock on it. I think to myself, it's like being married to a man who never cleans out that garage. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A 24 Hour Thing

                                                        Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                        everyday is a journey.

Last week, I had a 24 hour virus thingy that surprised me. I do not get sick, period. It's been so long since I had a cold or a flu or a virus of any kind. I'm not exactly sure why. It could be that my eating healthy boosts my immune system. Or perhaps the flu shot helps. I always laugh that with all the chemo and radiation inside of me has killed everything. 

Anyway, you could imagine my surprise when I didn't feel well one day last week before work. I thought that my stomach cramps might be gas or just something not agreeing with me that I've eaten. I bought some Sprite and headed out to work. 

Well, I can tell you that I spent an agonizing 2 1/2 hours running back and forth to the bathroom. I've felt so nauseous as if everything would come up without warning. I tried to induce vomiting on my own hoping to feel better. When it finally happened, it didn't help, but made it worse.The cramps became more painful. It was time to go home. 

I don't think I could have stunned my management more if I tried by opting to go home. In my 22 years, I've gone home only once and that was during a cancer treatment. 

My home is about ten to fifteen minutes away from work and that's during rush hour. I had to pull over by the local Liquor Barn, which was full by the way and everything inside me came up several times over. I must have looked a sight, heaving at the liquor store like a drunk. Came home, threw up again and went to sleep.

When I tell people that story, they double over in laughter. It's funny now, but it wasn't then. For the next several days, my tummy felt very queasy. Back to my BRAT diet until I felt better. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Four Generations

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                       everyday is a journey.

Heaven stands open to me,
 my Lord, 
in these deep and holy words. 
Through the open door I see
 the source of the golden light
 that shone around 
Thy earthly life,
and detect the secret of the music
that ever sounded around Thy path, 
as the music of the golden bells
 when Aaron passed to and fro.

Recently, I've had the pleasure of having lunch with my mom, my niece and her son. Four generations spending time together. I've noticed a few things, we are a lot alike. We're loud, we talk over each other and our mannerisms live on on even if we don't look like one another.

When we took a picture of our luncheon, I realized that we no longer were a five generational family living. Grandmother's Bernice death in October changed all that. She has been around for so long, it seems strange not to have her here. I could not have a conversation with my mom without hearing about Grandma. She lived a full life and left a large legacy behind.

                          Kathy, myself and mom.

                            Kathy's Kai.

                     My favorite picture of grandma Bernice.

The generational shift has occurred with my mom at the head of that family tree. The next Queen Bee, Mary. The circle of life continues. The names may have changed, but the characteristics continue on into the new generation.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Reading List 3

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I've rediscovered reading books once again. I love books of all types and I've made a promise to myself this past Summer to make time to sit down to read. Let me engross myself in something other than my problems. Here a few that I've read so far.

Wait And See
By: Wendy Pope
This is actually a great bible study type of book where we can write in the answers. The whole study is about seeing the waiting period in our lives as a learning experience instead of something we dread. I actually learned how terrible I am during the waiting on God period. She does offer very insightful commentary on the behavior we all experience as we wait.

Soul Food
By: Havilah Cunnington
I really enjoyed this book. It dealt with what we need spiritually to feed our soul and how our soul needs to be fed on a daily basis. The story began in the Garden of Eden and ended up at The Last Supper. My favorite line from the book God endured the Cross because it takes more than bread to stay alive. He wants to rescue, redeem and restore you. 

Finding I Am 
By: Lysa Terkuerst      
In this book, Lysa describes and goes over the seven I am statements made by God.  It's fascinating to read how these seven I AM statements apply to our everyday life. Another surprise in this book? The actual names of the seven I Am statements.  Some are pretty obvious, but there is one that we always assumed was part of it and isn't. You'll have to read the book to find out the answer.

It doesn't matter what you choose to read, the idea here is not to lose that feel of a good book. Sit down and read a book!

Have a blessed day everyone.

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