Saturday, August 17, 2013

Road Block

There comes a time in our life where we question our purpose  and goals we've set before us . A time where we wonder if we are surrounded by the right people in our midst . A time when we question our wisdom in the decisions we've made . A time where we consider the ties we've made and the ties we need to break .  Have I stayed on track or veered off into a ditch ? All things come to an end , whether they're good or bad .

All of my life , I've wanted to blend into the wallpaper , observing and not participating . Others have craved the spotlight and I've craved the hidden corner in the back . The more I'd creep into that safe haven of unknown oblivion , the greater the shove at my back , thrusting me forward into the light  .

God has other plans for me .

I've spent my life being everything to everyone . I have been the person that people ran to in the middle of the night . I have wiped tears away and listened to the woes of brokenhearted souls . I have offered my hand in friendship to people that no one wanted to know or forgive . I have turned that cheek so many times that I'm surprised how tall I can stand with my head held high .

Why are we such Israelites ? Never happy with what we have , always looking for the taking  instead of the giving ? Who are we to decide who is worth to forgive unconditionally , while others we forgive with conditions ? Why do we wipe the slate of others so their past is never seen again , while there are people whose slate we engrave to be highlighted at every opportunity ? Why are we such Israelites ?

Once again , mankind has disappointed me . As I retreat into my darkened cave of solitude , I am reminded of Moses and the Israelites . The more he gave , the more they selfishly took . How did he endure forty years of constant disappointment with the people in his midst ? As I have hit this roadblock in my life , that is an answer that I crave to learn .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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