Monday, August 19, 2013

A Ministry Of One

Every Sunday before Church , we arrive early and while Emily goes inside , I hang out in my car drinking coffee until the service begins .

One particular Sunday , a friend came up to the car and asked  :
" Are you being anti-social ? "

It really struck a cord with me , because she was right , I was trying to avoid the social scene before and after Church . Why ?  I could give you the usual excuses , but they would be just that . . . . excuses .

I believe the real reason is because I crave " me " time . I really like the alone time that being a hermit provides . All week , especially at work , people come at me from all angles . At home , there are issues as well . There is my blog , my crocheting ministry , the sunday school and on and on . It never ends .

Since I've been on this secret retreat of mine that no one knows about , there have been many soul searching conversations with myself . Yes , myself . We all have them , so you can stop denying their existence .

How can I call myself a ministry if I'm the only person in it ?

That is a very loaded question and little did I know , but God would provide an answer soon enough . Haven't I said that God had a plan for me ?

My mind is always ticking away with ideas and majority of them never get realized . God knows I'm a procrastinator . I analyze things to death from every angle . Remember Moses ? Well , that's me .

So as I envisioned my plans for the crocheting club in my head , God has decided to provide a jump start of His own . As usual , I'm not ready , but everyone else happens to be . A request has been made for baby blankets for St.  James Hospital , not to mention the ones for the homeless I have been working on .

Already , a few women have approached me wanting to know when this club intended on convening ? Of course , I ran home and cleaned the apartment in case they decided to come knocking that very night , hooks in hand .

After checking my yarn supply , I raided Walmart and topped off the cart with overflowing sea of colorful yarn . I waded through the aisles , head held high  as all eyes were on me . I was famous and it wasn't because of what I was wearing .

Upon arriving home , I checked  the calendar and chose a date . This ministry of one , no longer exists . In it's place resides something bigger , something better , a real team that will be known as The Crocheting Ministry Club .

Didn't I say God had a plan for me ? Have a Blessed day everyone  and stay tuned for more details .

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