Saturday, February 24, 2024

Just Being Still

                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 When thou hast thanked thy God

For every blessing sent,
What time will then remain
For murmurs or lament?

These past several months have been reflective to say the least. My mind has been working on overtime, analyzing, weighing in objectives and assessing situations. I would mull things over repeating the whole process all again several times. Thinking, analyzing, weighing in, assessing. Reflection can be exhausting!

As the New Year began, my desire for stillness, serenity and silence came to the forefront. I long for all three. I know that we as Christians are taught to be in fellowship with one  another. We are taught to share confidences and experiences with each other. We are to encourage, pray for and keep each other grounded in the truth of God's Word. I know all that in my heart, but sometimes, being alone with God is what we need more.

I want the quiet time, away from the world, where I can hear Him whisper inside my heart. There are so many distractions out there that can sway my attention to the over scheduled calendar and appointments. People's attitudes can hurt your soul and weariness can set in. One has a desire to walk away from the chaos and all it represents. I wince upon scrolling on social media.

O, weary heart, where can you rest?

Be still and know I am God.

Be still.


The world can be such a weary place and we can become heavy ladened with all the cares that exist within it. We can easily lose our truth in who we are in Jesus Christ. There are so many angry, unforgiving and hurtful people out there. It can be overwhelming to show light in a darkened world.

Whenever I find life draining and exhausting, I retreat into the stillness of my sanctuary, my home. I have always felt one's home should be the most peaceful place on Earth. A place where we can be ourselves.

Just like the ravens that fed Elijah in the cave while he rested, I surround myself in the Word of God. The Lord restores, rejuvenates all who seek Him.  He does not fail. He leaves the 99 and goes after that one who needs Him the most at any given time. He will lift us up and carry us when we cannot. He is the Lord, our Savior. He is our Father. He is healer of my soul.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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