Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Beauty of Winter

                                      Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 Be patient, suffering soul! I hear thy cry.

The trial fires may glow, but I am nigh.
I see the silver, and I will refine
Until My image shall upon it shine.
Fear not, for I am near, thy help to be;
Greater than all thy pain, My love for thee.
H. W. C

It caught me by surprise. Snow just doesn't visit here in Central Illinois as much as the rest of the World. When we lived in Chicago, snow was a common Winter decoration and we certainly had tons of experience driving in it! Living here, Winters have been more cloudy and rainy over the past couple of years. Have we become spoiled? Oh yes!

Winter is a very bittersweet time for me. On one hand, I fight the winter blues every January. My body yearns for hibernation, the couch calls out a nap every time I pass it by and my mood turns negative. I am tired, lethargic and have no desire to do anything. Yes, January is not my favorite month of the year.

Yet, there is that other thing. . . . . the beauty. 

There is something so serene, so comforting to looking out your living room window and seeing the stillness of a wintery scene. Everything looks so pristine and heavy laden with snow. Nature is truly beautiful. God's country. God himself reflected here. 

Yes, it's freezing out there. Yes, we just drove in that mess. Yes, we had to shovel and take care of errands and chores. But . . . . when all is said and done, we come inside and breathe a sigh. We have warmth, perhaps even a fire, family, comfort food. We are good. We are safe. We are snug. We are comfortable and cozy.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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