Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Living Water


                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

What comforts, Lord, to those are given,

Who seek in Thee their home and rest!
They find on earth an opening heaven,
And in Thy peace are amply blest.

The living water . . .

I have written many blogs on storms and rain. I have found comfort in the raging storms as to me they represent God's manifestation of his Power. God is Almighty. He is Powerful. He cleanses the Earth of all it's folly. He forgives. He restores the ugly into full glory.

We believe that, yes? Yet, we do not fully live that out in the world. If God forgives and restores . . . 

Why do we talk about that co-worker who has been clean for a year or more?

Then why do we stay away from a neighbor that perhaps looks too different and wild?

Why do we bring up someone's past and hold it against them?

Why do we judge others?

Why do we choose the people we are willing to forgive instead of forgiving all?

Jesus provided the Living Water for all of us and yet, we want to be the ones who decide who receives it. What qualifies us to determine who is worthy of the Living water? We like to compare ourselves against everyone else, like a measuring stick. Yeah, I'm better than that guy over there. The problem here is that when we reach Heaven, we won't be compared to each other. We will be compared with Jesus. 

How do you think you will do then?

God chose us, sin and all, because He saw what we could be. He saw the finished product, not the ugliness of who we were before Him. Now we just need to believe and then live it. Believe that you are worthy. Believe that your neighbor is worthy, too.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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