Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Year Of Discord


                           Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

For all sweet and pleasant passages

 in the great story of life men may 

well thank God;

for leisure and ease and health and

 friendship may God make us truly 

and humbly grateful;

but our chief song of thanksgiving

 must be always for our kinship with him, 

with all that such divinity of

 greatness brings of peril, hardship,

 toil, and sacrifice.

—Hamilton Mabie.

I think it's safe to say that this year has been full of havoc and discord. We as a society have been faced with uncertainty all around us. The way we shop, interact with one another and even work has changed. It's no wonder that people feel misplaced and anxious about where we are heading. 

So many of my friends are faced with so many new challenges as a new decade is ahead of us. Changes don't scare me as much as they did in the past. I guess, I have realized that perhaps change isn't as bad as we may think. I have learned to pick the fights that I want to address and which ones to discard. The rest? Well, things have a way of working themselves out.

The world is spinning way too fast and our young people have nowhere to grab hold. Or someone. My faith has sustained me through a lot in my life, but that is not the case for many out there. Our world is filled with people who are searching for things to fill their life with instead of God. Many have no idea of even the basic bible stories that most of us have grown up on. 

Somewhere along the way, our faith was not taught to the next generation or they just felt no need to listen. That has always been the case when life is way too good. We never need God when our cup is full and life is lovely. When do we fall on our knees in prayer? When we hurt, when we ache and cannot take another step for fear of collapsing in defeat. We seem to remember who God is at that stage of our despair.

This year has been one of despair. Many have come to the throne room to kneel by the feet of Christ. Many have also seem fit to blame Him for their despair. There has always been a choice. Right or wrong. Heaven or hell. Yes or no. Life is full of choices and consequences. When we fail, we can only blame ourselves. Which way do you want to go? Have you made that choice of whom you will follow? Today is the day where we take a leap of faith and allow God into our life so He can work in us for us. Today is that day.

Have a blessed day everyone.


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