Saturday, December 24, 2016

Family Of Believers 4

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

The first Sunday after we moved here (a mere 24 hrs. later) we went in search of our very first Church service. A week before the move, we scouted on-line a particular Church only a few minutes from us. We headed out, all excited, only to find the Church had moved. Being new to the area, we had a hard time finding the new location, so we headed back home. 

The next Sunday ( a mere week later) we headed out once again with map quest directions to the new location. Somehow, we ended up at a Police station and a public works facility. At this point, we were pretty low in spirits. It's been a few Sundays since we were at Church and we could feel the need inside of us to reconnect as soon as possible. 

For a minute there, we began to think that maybe it was fate telling us not to go there. Twice we failed, but maybe a third would be the charm. And it was. This also marked the first time, after a long time, where Emily and I would be in service at the same time. Usually, I would be serving and she would be at Sanctuary or the other way around. 

Do we plan on going back? Absolutely! Looking forward to next week's sermon. Today, it being Christmas Eve, it wasn't a regular day. We want to see the Church in action and what could be better than beginning the New Year in Church. Looking forward to this new chapter in our lives. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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