Wednesday, March 9, 2022

A Rocking Chair And A Cup Of Coffee


                                             Everyday is a brand new day,
                                              everyday is a journey.

Where our Captain bids us go,

'T is not ours to murmur, "No,"
He that gives the sword and shield,
Chooses too the battle-field
On which we are to fight the foe.

Have I ever told you how much I love my rocking chair? No? Well, I do. When we first moved here, that was the first item that came off the truck. My son placed it on the front patio and it has been there ever since. 

A few mornings a week, I would sit in my rocking chair enjoying that first cup of coffee. I would lift my face upwards toward the sky and feel the warmth of the sun. Just taking it all in. The fresh morning. The birds singing. Just enjoying the fact that we were finally here. 

I'm missing that moment, that tiny experience in my day and cannot wait for warmer weather to finally get here. So much has changed in our lives and will continue to do so, but that rocking chair always welcomes me. It calls out my name when chaos roams and stress resides within. The world is not a friendly place.

Come, sit down and lift your face upwards. Feel that warmth of a calming day. Close your eyes and hear the joyful singing of the birds. No cares. No worries. Just the beauty of a beautiful day. 

It's so easy to become distracted within this world of unhappy people, unhappy situations and all the pain that is out there. We become engulfed in that mess and we forget who we are in Christ, It's so easy, so very easy to veer off the path. 

The rocking chair beckons. The birds are singing. The Sun is shining, even if it's for a bit. Let me grab my cup of coffee. If only for a second, let me sit, let me sit.

Have a blessed day everyone.