Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Post Christmas

Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 He who intermits

The appointed task and duties of the day
Untunes full oft the pleasures of the day;
Checking the finer spirits that refuse
To flow, when purposes are lightly changed.

January has always been a challenging month for me. Here it is right smack in the very beginning of the New Year coming forth whether we are ready or not. Whatever happened last year seeps over to this one, so what are you going to do differently? Either, it's a good consequence or a bad one. Hopefully, it's the first.

January is also the month of my battle with the Winter blues. Every year, especially in the middle of the month, my body fights the lethargic, depressive feelings where all I want to do is burrow in my den. Call me when Spring is here!

Funny thing happened this January! I didn't experience the lovely Winter blues! Why? What was different this time around for this episode to miss me entirely? I wish I could give credit to all the vitamins and supplements that I take every morning. I wish I could give credit to the mental prep of daily devotionals, but the truth is quite simple. Chaos. Consequence. Stress. Daily life.

My mind has been in full throttle mode of just making it through the day and into the next. One step at a time. Slow and steady. Sometimes, life hits you with everything it has and one has to be prepared to fight for what is dear to us. Breathe in and breathe out, get up and face the world even when it wants to knock you down. Keep moving, keep handling, keep smiling and go to sleep to do it all again the next day. 

Keep moving.

Keep smiling.

Keep praying.

People believe that I am a very happy kind of person. I smile and try my best to be positive among the people I meet. Honestly, deep down inside I fight my own demons. My family could attest to you the negative thoughts that I fight everyday. The insecurities I face and bring on my anxiety every morning upon opening my eyes. I force myself to push them down and move on. 

The point here is to keep fighting, keep moving and don't give up. Believe in faith and believe in hope. Whatever happened before Christmas, that's the past. We are post Christmas and that means a new beginning, a time to wipe the slate clean and aim to be better, do better, live better.

We are not perfect people living perfect lives. We will falter. We will make major mistakes. It's what we do after we are down in the pit that determines our character. Are you going to live up to every negative thought that has entered your head? Or are you going to get up, dust yourself off and strive to be even better than you were before. Have hope. Have faith. Love God.

Have a blessed day everyone.