Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Just Another Lazy Day


                             Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

One holy Church of God appears

    Through every age and race,
  Unwasted by the lapse of years,
  Unchanged by changing place.

I did absolutely nothing yesterday! Nothing at all! Well, I did go to Church and vacuumed, but that's all. I even took a nap for a couple of hours. Just another lazy day.

These types of days are far and few between. One almost feels guilty for not doing anything. Why? Have we become a people who love hopping around from one activity to the next? It's almost as if we need to be productive to feel accomplished. 

I have a major issue with relaxing or resting. There is some crazy need inside of me that says I need to be moving at all times. I tell myself it has to do with my cancer, because my time here is limited. Honestly though, is that the real truth?

Sometimes, we tell ourselves little white lies, because we feel we have to defend our actions. Why can't we just accept that perhaps we needed the rest? Maybe our bodies are tired from all the running? Of course, there is also the fact that Winter is here and I struggle every year with the blues.  It could be that we are coming down with something. So many factors go into feeling tired and that "lazy" feeling.

Yes, that "lazy" feeling. Perhaps, that has more to do with it than we want to admit. Haven't we all heard while growing up that laziness is a sin? Idle hands and all? How do we justify our lazy days when the laundry needs to be washed and the refrigerator cleaned?

We can't. We spend way too much time trying to be these perfect people that live perfect lives. There will always be something that needs to get done. Our bodies and our families are a different matter altogether. Of course, none of this means we should never do anything. 

My goal for this year is to focus more on being carefree. It's so easy to say, I know. We have become so stressed about all things, even insignificant things that we fail to stop and just sit down. Yes, sit down with your favorite cup of coffee or tea and do nothing. Sleep in once in a while. The work will always be there, but your body will not. Sometimes, we just need a lazy day without guilt.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Anyway The Wind Blows


                               Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Yet Love will dream, and Faith will trust

    (Since He who knows our need is just),
  That somehow, somewhere, meet we must.
    Alas for him who never sees
    The stars shine through his cypress trees;
  Who hath not learned in hours of faith,
    The truth to flesh and sense unknown,
  That life is ever Lord of Death,
    And Love can never lose its own.

Anyway the wind blows, the world still turns. Life moves on regardless of what is going on in our lives. Everywhere one looks there is life and chaos bursting forth in every way possible. It's the way of life.

Here we are in another Holiday, the Christmas Season. Families will show on social media the beautiful table overflowing with all kinds of delicious food. Families will be gathered around the Christmas tree unwrapping the mountain of presents beautifully displayed underneath. Oh, the games that will be played today!

To the outside world looking in, one would think just how idyllic it can be. For many families that is a true reality. Traditions actually hold us together along with love and respect for family. I hope they realize how precious these moments can be and cherish them forever. 

Unfortunately, few families will experience a gathering as the kind mentioned above. Just like the happy scenes, there are also ones filled with sadness, loss and bitterness. People will be spending Christmas apart due to divorce, death, covid distancing, disputes and hospitalization. 

The human heart is very fragile and we hurt. We feel all the emotions that God has equipped us with to express ourselves to others. As much as we deny it, we are made to be with people. I am guilty of expressing the desire for solitude, but I will admit that ache in my heart for people I am missing. It is built within us to love.

On a day such as today, I feel for families who are in pain for whatever reason. Amidst their trial or struggle, the world is still turning and the wind is still blowing in all directions. One can almost feel isolated by that fact as if no one cared enough to stop for a minute. 

I have know God all of my life and I cannot imagine Him not being there alongside of me. What do people do who do not know Him in that way? To whom do they cling to? To whom do they cry out to? To whom do they say, Jesus walk with me? 

Without Him, there is no hope, no consolation, no comfort. Just plain loneliness.
Today, we celebrate the birth of One who will never leave us, especially when we are suffering. He walks with us through every ordeal and I am grateful for it. Thank you loving me. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

I Need A Nesting Day


                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Oh, empty us of self, the world, and sin,

  And then in all Thy fulness enter in;
  Take full possession, Lord, and let each thought
  Into obedience unto Thee be brought;
  Thine is the power, and Thine the will, that we
  Be wholly sanctified, O Lord, to Thee.
C. E. J.

Did you ever have a day where the universe refused to cooperate? Where you went from store to store and none of them had what you were looking for? Or when you wanted to search online and the internet kept buffering? All day? A day where you ordered in a pizza, but it was delivered elsewhere? Or they didn't accept deliveries at that time?

I think we all experienced days like that where absolutely nothing went according to plan. No matter what we tell ourselves, we feel defeated. I often looked around wondering if I was the only one going through it or were the people I saw feeling the same? Is it just the universe spraying down negativity or just on me?

It seems, I have these type of days when I'm stressed, short on time or want to cram in as much as I can. Perhaps, I unintentionally, place a lot upon my shoulders and it weighs me down. I think we do it to ourselves with all we undertake and never release it elsewhere. Maybe, we just don't know how or where it should go.

A few years ago, I began these nesting days where I shut myself inside my sanctuary, closing the world out. On those days, I wore comfy clothes, ate junk food and I did whatever my heart desired. Usually, that meant crocheting and binge watching my favorite shows. 

Lately, I feel as if these days are few and far between. Why do we do that? It's very obvious that our bodies are in need of a total de-stress whenever possible and yet, we deny ourselves. For what? More stress?

Here we are at the end of 2021 and as always, I'm on a reflective cleansing streak. I ask myself what worked and what didn't in the past year. Perhaps, things that I need to change. One of my goals is to schedule more self- care time for myself, these nesting days for sure. Isn't that a shame that we have to schedule fun times? Oh well, whatever needs to be done, let's just do it. 

Have a blessed day everyone.