Saturday, February 20, 2021

Coming Home

                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

O God, what offering shall I give

    To Thee, the Lord of earth and skies?
  My spirit, soul, and flesh receive,
    A holy, living sacrifice.

My grandson came home yesterday morning. I cannot express the Joy that surged through our being as the word passed from one family member to another. For six months we all missed his presence, his words, his being. We may know that they have to leave the nest to become great men and women in their communities, but it doesn't make the process any easier or less painful.

There is something so aching whenever our heart is missing a piece. A seat at the table that remains empty day after day. A sequence of everyday normalcy that they performed and we took for granted. 

This reminds me of a movie I saw many, many years ago as a young woman. It was a love story of a man who loved this woman, but she never saw him in that light, because she was in love with someone else. Her mother told him to come over every single day and say hello to her. She told him that he was to become like that kitchen table that is seen and used every day. We are so used to that kitchen table that we forget it's there, but take it away, and suddenly we cannot live without it.

When my son left to go out into the world. I never realized how much he helped me or how much I needed him. Once he left, it was so difficult to go about my daily routine without him. I quickly learned all the things he did to make things run more smoothly.

It's funny that we need for our loved ones to go away before we truly realize how much we love them, need them, miss their presence. For some of us, it may be the last time we actually see them. Don't allow that to happen. Don't allow pride to keep you from telling someone how much they mean to you. Coming home doesn't have to be an awkward or painful experience. Open your hearts and let love in. Let them come home.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Who Do You Think I Am?


                            Everyday is a brand new day,
                            everyday is a journey.

Teach me your mood, O patient stars!

    Who climb each night the ancient sky,
  Leaving on space no shade, no scars,
    No trace of age, no fear to die.

I have believed in God all of my life. I have been raised as a Catholic where I feared and respected who God was in all of our lives as part of His Creation. I grew up believing that God was too high up for me to reach personally so that's why He had Priests and nuns. For me, there were many questions and there was no one to answer them. As the questions grew, so did my search for that something "more" in my life. 

I believed in Him. I feared Him. I respected Him. Yet, I did not know Him intimately. 

When I needed to confess my sins, I went to the Priest for absolution of my sins. When I needed prayer for my safety, health or any other request, I prayed to Mother Mary or the Saints. If I had a very important prayer request, I would ask the Priest to pray for me. Somehow, I never believed I was qualified to come before God myself. As if my prayers were not strong enough or worthy enough, but needed intercession of the clergy. 

So what does it mean to have a relationship with God? It means going to Him for all of the above. He should be our first choice, the first one that we run to in our time of need. The first one we run to with praise, with Joy and with sorrow. Friends may leave you. Family nay leave you, but He always stays by our side in the bad, the good and the ugly. At times, He even carries us.

So yes, I still believe in Him. I still fear Him. I still respect Him. But, He is also my Savior, my Healer, my Waymaker, my Omega, my Abba Father. He is my everything. 

Who do you think He is to you? Your life?

Have a blessed day everyone.